Database Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)
ClientDbDel – Deletes a local data source.
ClientDbDiscnt – Disconnects from a local database.
ClientSQLExecute – Executes an SQL statement on a local database.
ClrCache – Clears the database of the current task.
CurrPosition – Returns the internal position of the current record.
DataManipulate – Performs an action on the data that was sent to a Web Service data source and returns the result.
DbCache – Returns the database cache hit ratio.
DbCopy – Copies an existing data file to a new file.
DbDel – Deletes a Magic xpa table.
DbDiscnt – Disconnects the current database connection.
DbERR – Returns and clears a database error message.
DbExist – Checks existence of the Database repository.
DbName – Database table name.
DbRecs – The number of rows in the Database repository.
DbReload – Loads a resident table during runtime.
DbRound – Database round function for SQL databases.
DbSize – Returns the database table size.
DbViewRowIdx – Retrieves the sequential number of a record within a cached view.
DbViewSize – Retrieves the number of cached records.
DbXmlExist – Returns a true value if an XML structure stored in a Blob variable contains the element on which the view is defined.
DbXmlMixedGet – Fetches a text value from a mixed-content XML element.
DbXmlMixedSet – Sets a text value into a mixed-content XML element.
EmptyDataview – Returns True if the data view is empty.
ErrDatabaseName – Returns the name of the database on which the error has occurred.
ErrDbmsCode – Returns the DBMS original error code.
ErrDbmsMessage – Returns the DBMS original error message.
ErrMagicName – Contains the Magic xpa literal of the error that occurred.
ErrPosition – Refers to the internal position of the record on which the error occurred.
ErrTableName – Returns the physical name of the table on which the error has occurred.
InTrans – Evaluates if a transaction is currently open.
LocateAdd – Adds filtering criteria to the locate.
LocateReset – Resets the locate filtering criteria to be according to the task logic.
Logging – Enables the programmer to dynamically start and stop filtering options.
MTblGet – Retrieves the content of a memory table as a BLOB variable.
MTblSet – Creates records in a memory table where a BLOB variable is used as the table’s content.
RangeAdd – Adds filtering criteria to the range.
RangeExpAdd – Adds filtering criteria to a range.
RangeReset – Resets the range filtering criteria to be according to the task logic.
Rollback – Allows rollback of a transaction to a specified nesting level save point.
SortAdd – Adds sorting criteria.
SortReset – Resets the sort criteria to be according to the task logic.
SQLExecute – Executes an SQL statement.
TransMode – Provides information about the current active transaction.
ViewMod – Checks whether records were changed since the last save.