
Task Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Task Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

CabinetUnload – Unloads a loaded component from the memory at runtime.

CallProg – Calls up a program and passes arguments to it.

ControlItemsRefresh – Refreshes the item list of a specific control.

Counter – Counts the number of iterations.

DataViewIndexNames – Returns the index names of the main data source defined on the task. Since version: 3.2

DataViewIndexSegmentNames – Returns the segment names of a data source’s index. Since version: 3.2

DataViewToDataSource – Adds the current data view to a data source.

DataViewToDNDataTable – Generates a .NET DataTable object from the current data view.

DataViewToHTML – Creates an HTML file from the data view variables sent to it.

DataViewToJSON - Creates a JSON file from the data view variables sent to it. Since version: 4.1

DataViewToText – Creates a text file from the data view variables sent to it.

DataViewToXML – Creates an XML file from the data view variables sent to it.

DataViewVars – Fetches the variables displayed on the form from where the Print Data event was raised.

DataViewVarsIndex – Returns the variables' indexes.

Delay – Stops the execution of the current process for a specified period of time.

EmptyDataview – Returns True if the data view is empty.

Flow – Checks the flow mode of an operation.

FlwMtr – Appends a message to the Activity Message list.

GetComponentName – Fetches the name of the current component.

GetGUID – Fetches the GUID of the application.

GetLang – Gets the active language.

GetParam – Retrieves values passed as parameters to programs.

GetParamAttr – Returns the attribute of the global parameter. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3

GetParamNames – Returns the names of the global parameters. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3

HandledCtrl – Returns the name of the control from which the current handler was executed.

Idle – Checks system inactivity time.

InTrans – Evaluates if a transaction is currently open.

IsComponent – Checks if the executed program or handler is from a component or a host application.

IsFirstRecordCycle – Identifies the first record cycle in the task. This information is useful for running logic that on the one hand is based on the already-fetched data, after the Task Prefix, and on the other hand for logic that is run only once, on entering the task.

KbGet – Returns the last pressed key or the last internal event performed.

KbPut – Simulates invoking a system internal event or other keyboard activity from within Magic xpa.

Level – Checks the execution level in a task.

LocateAdd – Adds filtering criteria to the locate.

LocateReset – Resets the locate filtering criteria to be according to the task logic.

Lock – Returns an evaluated expression that locks a table row or task.

LoopCounter – Returns the current count of the block loop cycle.

MainDisplay – Returns the index of the form that is currently being displayed.

MainLevel – Returns the main level of the task.

Menu – Returns the menu path that leads to the current program.

MenuIdx – Returns the index of a menu structure entry, using the menu entry name.

MMClear – Clears marked records.

MMCount – Provides the number of marked table rows.

MMCurr – Provides the current row of the number of marked rows in the counting process.

MMStop – Stops the multi-mark handler.

MnuAdd – Enables the programmer to dynamically add a menu structure to the current runtime pulldown menu structure.

MnuCheck – Displays or hides a checkmark in front of a menu entry.

MnuEnabl – Enables or disables a menu entry.

MnuName – Sets the menu entry text of a selected menu.

MnuRemove – Enables the programmer to dynamically remove a menu structure from the current runtime pulldown menu structure.

MnuReset – Restores the default pulldown menu structure.

MnuShow – Hides or shows a menu entry.

Prog – Returns the task path that leads to the current task.

ProgIdx – Returns the current index number of the program selected in the Program repository.

ProjectDir – Lets you refer to files that are relative to the location of a component file.

PublicName – Retrieves the public name of a running program.

RangeAdd – Adds filtering criteria to the range.

RangeExpAdd – Adds filtering criteria to a range.

RangeReset – Resets the range filtering criteria to be according to the task logic.

Rollback – Allows rollback of a transaction to a specified nesting level save point.

RunMode – Returns a numeric code corresponding to the runtime engine mode.

SetLang – Selects the active language.

SetParam – Sets parameters.

SetWindowFocus – Passes the focus to another window in the Window list.

SharedValGet – Retrieves a shared value according to its name. A shared value is a value stored in the memory of the Magic xpa process. Once created, this value can be retrieved by all active contexts and new contexts.

SharedValGetAttr – Returns the attribute of the shared values. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3

SharedValGetNamesReturns the names of the shared values. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3

SharedValSet – Creates a shared value, which is a value stored in the memory of the Magic xpa process. Once created, this value can be retrieved by all active contexts and new contexts.

SortAdd – Adds sorting criteria.

SortReset – Resets the sort criteria to be according to the task logic.

Stat – Tests a task's mode.

SubformExecMode – Retrieves the subform execution mode.

TaskID – Retrieves the Task ID of a running task.

TaskInstance – Returns the task instance of a running task.

TaskTypeGet – Returns the task type.

TDepth – Returns the current task depth.

THIS – Directs a variable-related function or a task generation function to the variable or task from which an event was triggered.

TransMode – Provides information about the current active transaction.

TreeLevel – Retrieves the current level of the selected node in the data tree.

TreeNodeGoto – Parks on a tree node that is identified by the tree node identifier.

TreeValue – Retrieves the node identification determined by the current level of the selected node.

UnLock – Returns an evaluated expression that unlocks a table row or task that is locked.

ViewMod – Checks whether records were changed since the last save.
