The following How-to topics deal with databases in Magic xpa:
How Do I Define a Connection to a Database?
How Do I Create a Database Table from Magic xpa?
How Do I Access an Existing Database Table or View?
How Do I View SQL Statements Sent by Magic xpa to the Database?
How Do I Send My Own SQL Statements to the Database?
How Do I Handle a Database Error or Exception?
How Do I Limit the End User's Access to and Manipulation of the Data?
How Do I Determine the Order of the Records Retrieved from the Database?
How Do I Access a Specific SQL Type?
How Do I Minimize Database Access for Read-only Data?
How Do I Reduce Database Access?
How Do I Affect the Select Statement Sent to the Database?
How Can I Determine Magic xpa Behavior When Several Users Are Modifying the Same Row?
How Do I Implement a One-to-Many Relationship in Magic xpa When There is a Database Constraint?
How Do I Implement a Nested Transaction?
How Do I Force Writing the Current Record to the Database?
How Do I Refrain from Opening a Transaction?
How Do I Explicitly Roll Back a Transaction?
How Do I Affect the Database Optimizer Behavior?
How Do I Initiate a Database Transaction?
How Do I Skip Locked Rows When Updating Multiple Rows?