Magic xpa Program (Magic xpa 2.x)
In the Hyperlink Settings dialog box, select the Magic xpa program option to create a hyperlink to another Magic xpa program in any project.
When converting the form to HTML, Magic xpa constructs the URL from the following parts:
The HTTP Requester setting, as defined in the Server tab of the Environment dialog box.
The Magic xpa system and Public name supplied by the user.
Any arguments defined in the Arguments setting.
When you select Magic xpa Program as the Hyperlink type, you can define the following hyperlink settings:
Magic xpa application – Defines the name of the Magic xpa system (project) in which the called program is located. Zoom from the left-hand field to choose a Magic xpa system from the Open recent project list. You can also zoom from the right-hand field to select an expression.
Public name – Defines the public name of the program that is to be called. This is the same public name defined in the Program repository. Zoom from the left-hand field to choose a program from the Program list for the current project. You can also zoom from the right-hand field to select an expression.
Arguments – Defines the arguments that are to be passed to the Magic xpa program. You can zoom from the Arguments field to select the arguments from the Argument repository.
To specify a call to a Magic xpa program that will use the input fields of the Merge form, zoom from the Arguments setting to open the Argument repository.
Var – The Magic xpa variable name in the Variable list
Exp – Used to pass a constant value
Description – Provide a variable description
Destination frame – Sets the name of the opened window to this value. If there is a frame in a frame set or another window with that name, then the task will be opened in that frame/window, replacing the current content that exists there.