
Magic xpa Program (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Magic xpa Program (Magic xpa 2.x)

In the Hyperlink Settings dialog box, select the Magic xpa program option to create a hyperlink to another Magic xpa program in any project.

When converting the form to HTML, Magic xpa constructs the URL from the following parts:

  • The HTTP Requester setting, as defined in the Server tab of the Environment dialog box.

  • The Magic xpa system and Public name supplied by the user.

  • Any arguments defined in the Arguments setting.

When you select Magic xpa Program as the Hyperlink type, you can define the following hyperlink settings:

Magic xpa application – Defines the name of the Magic xpa system (project) in which the called program is located. Zoom from the left-hand field to choose a Magic xpa system from the Open recent project list. You can also zoom from the right-hand field to select an expression.

Public name – Defines the public name of the program that is to be called. This is the same public name defined in the Program repository. Zoom from the left-hand field to choose a program from the Program list for the current project. You can also zoom from the right-hand field to select an expression.

Arguments – Defines the arguments that are to be passed to the Magic xpa program. You can zoom from the Arguments field to select the arguments from the Argument repository.

To specify a call to a Magic xpa program that will use the input fields of the Merge form, zoom from the Arguments setting to open the Argument repository.

  • Var – The Magic xpa variable name in the Variable list

  • Exp – Used to pass a constant value

  • Description – Provide a variable description

Destination frame – Sets the name of the opened window to this value. If there is a frame in a frame set or another window with that name, then the task will be opened in that frame/window, replacing the current content that exists there.
