Retrieves the alias associated with a namespace for the root element.
XMLGetAlias (generation, device, URI)
generation – Numeric. A number that represents the task's hierarchic position in the runtime task tree. 0 represents the current task, 1 its immediate ancestor, and so on.
device – Numeric. A number that represents the sequence number of the I/O device in the current task.
URI – Alpha. An alphanumeric string representing a namespace URI. An empty URI is not allowed.
An alphanumeric string representing the alias associated with the URI. If the URI is considered the default namespace for the XML, an empty string is returned. If an error occurs or there is no matching alias for the URI, a NULL value is returned.
This function fails when:
XMLGetAlias(0, 1, '') retrieves the alias associated with URI -
This function is not supported for Rich Client tasks.
See also:
XML Namespaces
XML Error Codes
The Online Samples project (program XM23)