Window Type (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Window Type property sets the type of the window, which affects both its appearance and its runtime implications.
Each of the available values are represented by a number:
Default – The window will open as a:
MDI Child window – If the form is opened from the MDI container or from an MDI child window. MDI Child forms cannot be larger than the MDI frame. These forms will be resized during runtime.
Floating window – If the form is opened from a floating window or from an SDI window.
Modal window – If the form is opened from a modal window.
According to the Window Type of the child window parent – If the form is opened from a child window.
MDI Child window – If a parallel program is opened and the MDI frame is opened. Since version: 2.1
Floating window – If a parallel program is opened (and an MDI frame is not opened). Since version: 2.1
This option is not supported in Rich Client tasks.
SDI – The window will open as a new SDI window in a new context. See SDI Support.
This option is not supported in Browser tasks.
Child – The window will open as a child window of its parent task. In Rich Client tasks, child windows can only run in a subform or frame. A child window cannot be modal. Magic xpa will open any child window as modeless even if it is set to be modal or its parent task is modal.
This option is not supported in Browser tasks.
Not supported. In versions prior to 2.0, this option was defined as a Splitter Child window type.
Floating – The window will open as a floating window. This window can be dragged outside of Magic xpa’s main window.
This option is not supported in Browser tasks.
Modal – A Modal window halts the flow of all the other tasks, so you cannot click another window without first closing this window.
In Online tasks, Parallel tasks will also be halted.
In Rich Client tasks, Parallel tasks will not be halted.
A modal task window ignores the Close Task Window property and always treats this property as set to Yes.
Any window called from a Modal window is opened as a Modal window, regardless of its type.
In Rich Client tasks, if a Modal type window has a parent (owner), then it will be Modal to it and to its ancestors in the context.
Overlay - In Web Client tasks, an overlay window is the one displayed at the top of all open pages of the Web Client application. Unlike Modal, you can close an Overlay window by clicking anywhere outside the window. It is similar to Modal; that is, all operations after the Call operation will be executed after the Called window is closed. You can call multiple Overlay windows in your application.
You can customize Overlay windows from Angular/HTML/CSS. Since version: 4.5
For more information, please see the concept paper Customizing Overlay Windows.
Not supported. In versions prior to 2.1, this option was defined as an Application Modal window type.
Tool – The window will open as a tool window. The main attribute of a tool window is that it is displayed using a small caption.
This option is not supported in Browser tasks.
Fit-to-MDI – This option lets you set the display form of a task to fit the available space of the Magic xpa MDI. This will simulate the behavior of a maximized form.
If the option is set by an expression, the expression is computed only once as the form is opened.
If the option is set by an expression and evaluates to True, the Floating/Modal properties, Minimize button and Maximize button properties, and the Child property will always be considered as set to No. In addition, the Startup Position property will be disregarded.
This option is not supported in Browser tasks.
MDI Child – Available for Rich Client forms only. The window will open as an MDI Child window. MDI Child forms cannot be larger than the MDI frame. These forms will be resized during runtime.
Calling a Rich Client task with an MDI Child window interface from a non-MDI window will open that task in the MDI Frame.
MDI Frame – Available in the Main Program only, where it is automatically set for GUI Display and Rich Client Display forms.
Platform specific: This window type is not supported for mobile devices.
A non-interactive task cannot call an MDI child. When a non-interactive Rich Client task calls another program/task that has an MDI Child or Fit-to-MDI window type, then this window type is ignored and the called program/task will be opened as Modal.
For Online tasks, the default window type is Default.
For Rich Client tasks, the default window type is Modal.
The Form Designer will not reflect the Window Type.
Both Display and Rich Client forms need their own context. Therefore, two SDI windows cannot coexist in the same context.
Each Rich Client form, except Modal, will be shown in the task bar, so it is possible to click on each task.
The property supports expressions. The expected returned value of the expression is numeric. The Window Type expression is computed only when the form is opened. The Window Type is determined according to the number returned by the expression (see table above). If the expression evaluates to a number that is not mapped to any Window Type, the window will open as if it was set to Default.
For mobile devices, only the Modal window type is supported. Other window types may not work properly.
MDI is not supported, so the MDI Frame window type will not be shown.
When a window is set with a Window Type that is not relevant in the context in which it is opened, the Window Type will be changed.
The following are the cases in which there will be a conflict:
Floating is opened from a modal window – This window is opened as a Modal window.
Child is opened directly from the MDI container – This window is opened as a Default window.
SDI opened with no concurrency – This window is opened as a Default window.
A Rich Client program is opened using the Select Program property – The window is opened as a Modal window.
Fit-to-MDI window – When a program defined with Fit-to-MDI window type is called from another program defined with SDI window type, the Fit-to-MDI program is opened as a floating window, neither as an MDI child, nor inside the SDI window.
An SDI program cannot call another non-SDI Parallel Execution program. If a program of this type is called from an SDI program, it will be run as a new SDI program. In addition, it is not possible to call an MDI child from a non-interactive task.
When a task is called from a Rich Client non-interactive task, the called task's window type will be modal unless the following conditions are met (Since version: 3.0):
The Close Rich Client tasks on parent activation environment setting is set to Yes.
The non-interactive task did not open a window.
The non-interactive was not called from a task with a Modal window type.