WebSphere MQ (Magic xpi 4.1)
The WebSphere MQ component lets you access a WebSphere MQ messaging server. It can be used as a step in a flow and also in Trigger mode for getting messages.
When you use the WebSphere MQ component as a step in a flow, you can select various methods that let you:
Open or close queues
Send or get messages
You must provide the component with information about the messaging queue and the user.
In Trigger mode, the component constantly checks for regular incoming messages or published messages in the specified queue. If a new message is found then the component fetches the message and triggers the flow.
<MQ channel_name>/TCP/<machine name/IP address>(<listener port>)
For example:
For more detailed information regarding how to set up WebSphere MQ client, refer to the IBM WebSphere MQ Client documentation.
To handle WebSphere MQ binary IDs (Message ID, Correlation ID and Group ID), the WebSphere MQ component treats the IDs as base64 encoded strings of 24-byte BLOB. This enables the processing of Message IDs that contain Null characters. Therefore, base64 encoded strings should be used, instead of plain text, for parameters that relate to the Message ID, Correlation ID and Group ID.
By default, Magic xpi sends a version 2 MQMD header. To send a version 1 MQMD header, you should set the Advanced Quick Send and Advanced Send methods' Group ID field to 'MG_NULL_ID'.
WebSphere MQ – Prerequisites
WebSphere MQ – Configuration
WebSphere MQ – Error Handling