Sometimes a call to a Web service (as a consumer) may fail. This generates the following error in the project_error.log file:
[Error ] - org.idoox.xmlrpc.MessageProcessingException: Failed to deserialize target class com_magicsoftware_edeveloper_IRITG_WIN7_30052011_105017__Test_WS_TimeOut.Test_WS_TimeOut_Op2
at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserializeStatic(
at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserialize(
at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLSimpleDeserializer.deserialize(
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Don't know how to map < ANY > in class
This problem occurs at runtime while executing a project containing a Web Services step and when the uniSSJdeploy folder is missing in the machine's %Temp% directory.
One factor that can cause the uniSSJdeploy folder to be deleted from the machine's %Temp% directory is the way that the Studio's build process handles projects containing Web Services steps.
The reason for this is that, when executing a project working with a Web Services Client, an *.xmap file is created under the following path of the machine: %Temp%uniSSJdeploy. The *.xmap file is required for the correct execution of a Web Services step. When executing Build Solution in the Magic xpi Studio, the uniSSJdeploy subfolder is deleted. When the uniSSJdeploy subfolder is missing, the *.xmap file cannot be created and the Web services call fails.
To overcome this problem, you can:
Avoid building projects in the production environment, especially while projects are running.
Restart the project after a build was executed.
Manually or automatically create the uniSSJdeploy folder that is missing from the machine's %Temp% directory.
Create a startup script for launching the Magic xpi Studio: setlocal set TEMP=c:\temp MgxpiStudio.exe (or whatever the file is called) endlocal