
Web Services Troubleshooting (Magic xpi 4.12)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Web Services Troubleshooting (Magic xpi 4.12)


When calling a Web service in my project, the wrong Web service is called. Why?


When a project has two or more Web service triggers that use different Web services, but they have the same Operation Name, the first trigger is called instead of the correct one.

The following warning message is displayed in the Checker results: "More than one external trigger type with the same name".

To overcome this, change the operation name so that it is unique.


Why is an error generated when calling the same Web service in parallel?


When you have parallel calls to the same Web service, one of the calls may fail. This generates the following error in the project_error.log:

[Error ] - org.idoox.xmlrpc.MessageProcessingException: Failed to deserialize target class com_magicsoftware_edeveloper_IRITG_WIN7_30052011_105017__Test_WS_TimeOut.Test_WS_TimeOut_Op2

at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserializeStatic(

at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserialize(


at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLSimpleDeserializer.deserialize(




Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Don't know how to map in class

This error occurs when there is more than one request sent to the same Web service at the same time.

To overcome this problem, you need to avoid sending parallel requests. To do this, you should add a locking mechanism to the step to prevent more than one request being sent at a time. Add a Lock Resource service before the Web services step and an Unlock Resource service after the Web services step, ensuring that they both have the same Lock and Unlock name.


Why does a Web Service step fail and generate the Error 550 "Failed to deserialize target class" error?


Sometimes a call to a Web service (as a consumer) may fail. This generates the following error in the project_error.log file:

[Error ] - org.idoox.xmlrpc.MessageProcessingException: Failed to deserialize target class com_magicsoftware_edeveloper_IRITG_WIN7_30052011_105017__Test_WS_TimeOut.Test_WS_TimeOut_Op2

at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserializeStatic(

at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLReflectionDeserializer.deserialize(


at com.idoox.wasp.serialization.xml.XMLSimpleDeserializer.deserialize(




Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Don't know how to map < ANY > in class

This problem occurs at runtime while executing a project containing a Web Services step and when the uniSSJdeploy folder is missing in the machine's %Temp% directory.

One factor that can cause the uniSSJdeploy folder to be deleted from the machine's %Temp% directory is the way that the Studio's build process handles projects containing Web Services steps.

The reason for this is that, when executing a project working with a Web Services Client, an *.xmap file is created under the following path of the machine: %Temp%uniSSJdeploy. The *.xmap file is required for the correct execution of a Web Services step. When executing Build Solution in the Magic xpi Studio, the uniSSJdeploy subfolder is deleted. When the uniSSJdeploy subfolder is missing, the *.xmap file cannot be created and the Web services call fails.

To overcome this problem, you can:

  1. Avoid building projects in the production environment, especially while projects are running.

  2. Restart the project after a build was executed.

  3. Manually or automatically create the uniSSJdeploy folder that is missing from the machine's %Temp% directory.

  4. Create a startup script for launching the Magic xpi Studio:
    set TEMP=c:\temp
    MgxpiStudio.exe (or whatever the file is called)


Why is the Web Services Client step shown as unconfigured, with a red cross mark over it and the resource configuration is not populated after migrating the older project in the Magic xpi version 4.12?


One of the reasons for this error to occur could be that the step is invalid and as a result, it fails to open.

To fix the issue, delete the step which is shown as unconfigured and has a red cross mark over it. In place of it, add a new Web Services Client step and configure it. For more information on the Web Services Client step configuration, click here.


Why is the Web Services Client step shown as unconfigured, and the resource configuration is not populated after migrating the older project in the Magic xpi version 4.12?


One of the reasons for this error to occur could be that the step is not configured correctly and as a result it fails to open.

The other reason could be the WSDL path points to an incorrect location.

Since Version 4.12 of Magic xpi, the Web Services component is re-architected and there is a change in design. After upgrading a project to Magic xpi 4.12, when the WSDL is missing or is not loading properly, the resource configuration will not be populated correctly and as a result the step is shown as unconfigured.

To fix the issue, reconfigure or recreate the step as per the required parameters or provide the valid WSDL location so that it gets loaded successfully.
