
Web Services Client Resource Configure Details (Magic xpi 4.5)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Web Services Client Resource Configure Details (Magic xpi 4.5)

If the Web services module has already been generated, the Configure program loads the Web services configuration information from the module. The Configure program's dialog box is opened by clicking Configure in the Settings dialog box. The Configure dialog box contains two tabs, General and Security.

The General tab lets you view and configure the following parameters:





This read-only field displays the WSDL URL that you defined in the Web Services Client resource settings dialog box.

Service Endpoint

This read-only field displays the service endpoint that you defined in the Web Services Client resource settings dialog box.


Attachment Type

Determines which type of attachment to use. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Dime

  • Mime (default)


The amount of time, in seconds, that a Web Services Client waits for the service response. If you leave this property blank, or set it to zero (0), the timeout will be infinite.


A WSDL can have more than one port definition, each with its own set of operations and its own endpoint. In this parameter, enter the specific port that should be used for the WSDL loading process. If no port is specified, the first encountered port will be used for the load process. The default value is blank.

The Load button lets you load a new service or reload an existing one. If the service fails to load, an error message appears. Click Details in the error message dialog box to see a detailed description of why the failure occurred.

The Security tab lets you view and configure the following parameters:



Security Level

Select the required security level from the drop-down list:

  • None (default)

  • Transport

  • WS Security

Authentication Type

Select the required authentication type from the drop-down list:

  • None (default)

  • Basic

  • Digest

  • SSL

  • Kerberos

Encryption Algorithm

Select the required encryption algorithm from the drop-down list. The list varies depending on which algorithms are supported.

Signing Algorithm

Select the required signing algorithm from the drop-down list. The list varies depending on which algorithms are supported.

Include Time Stamps

Check this box if you want to include a time stamp in the SOAP message.

Operations Table

Operation Name

This read-only field displays, in alphabetical order, the names of the operations that are defined in the WSDL.

Request Security

Select the type of security request from the drop-down list:

  • None (default)

  • Encrypt

  • Sign

  • Sign and Encrypt

  • Encrypt (symmetric)

Response Security

Select the type of security response from the drop-down list:

  • None (default)

  • Encrypt

  • Sign

  • Sign and Encrypt

  • Encrypt (symmetric)


You cannot access the Security tab until the service has been loaded.

When you have entered the required parameters, click OK to keep the changes and to close the Configure dialog box. Alternatively, you can click Cancel to discard the changes and to close the configuration form.
