Why is a new WSDL file not reflected in Magic xpa?
When consuming a Web service, you need to use the WSDL.
When using the Invoke WS Lite operation, the programmer specifies the WSDL path / URL in the command itself. The path / URL is then cached. Therefore, in the next access, it will be fetched from the cache and not from the real file.
When the WSDL is filed, you need to fetch a new copy of the WSDL. You need to specify that you want to use the new WSDL copy:
In the WSDL Assist dialog box, park on the WSDL address.
Right-click on the address and click the Refresh option.
There is no Default SOAP Server in my server list. How do I call Web Services?
In Magic xpa, there is no longer a need to use a Default SOAP Server in the Server repository. All you need to do is define the Web Service itself in the Service repository and select SOAP as your Server type.
Why am I getting a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" Web service error when trying to load a WSDL file?
When consuming a Web service, the first step is to load its WSDL file. When clicking the Load button, this message appears:
To fix this error, close Magic xpa and:
1. Remove the MagicRequester.jar and MagicSSJ.jar files from %WASP_HOME%\lib.
Don't rename them – remove them (or move them to another directory).
2. Copy the two files from your [Magic xpa_installation_directory]\support directory to %WASP_HOME%\lib.
3. Try again.
Why am I getting the "e:server-An exception occurred: sun.ioMailformedInputException" error?
When Magic xpa is used as a Web service provider (document/literal type type), the Web service accepts an XML input and returns an XML output.
If the output XML contains special characters (e.g ?,?,?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,? etc.), then while consuming the service from Systinet it returns this error.
There are two ways to overcome the problem.
1. On the provider side, declare the output parameter as Unicode.
2. In the Magic xpa program, if the output parameter is declared as ANSI, these characters are not identified by Magic xpa. So, before sending the response back to the consumer, on the provider side, covert the output to Unicode (UTF8). This can be done using the UTF8FromAnsi function.
Why am I getting a "javax.xml.rpc.SOAPFaultException" error when consuming a Web service?
When you have a very big request to be sent to a Web service you get the error:
javax.xml.rpc.SOAPFaultException: There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded
This problem is related to the IIS configuration according to this MSDN article:
To solve the problem, just add the following to the Web.config file of the IIS:
<HTTPRUNTIME maxRequestLength="100000">
Why am I getting the "Failed to generate Web Service. java.lang.Exception: Invalid pseudo reference!" error when trying to generate the Web Service interface?
You may get this error when there is a problem loading the JVM. Make sure that:
The JAVA_HOME points to the correct location.
The correct Java version is installed.
There is no reference to an old JVM.dll file.
You can also carry out the following steps to reinstall Java:
Uninstall Magic xpa.
Delete the Magic xpa folder if one exists.
Uninstall Java.
Delete the JAVA_HOME and WASP_HOME environment system variables.
Delete all Java references from the Path environment system variable.
Install Magic xpa.
Why am I getting the "Failed to generate... " error when trying to generate the Web Service Interface Builder?
You may get this error if you logged in using a Hebrew user name.
Why is the response from the Web service empty?
When a large response is received from a Web service, if Magic xpa is unable to get the response it leaves it empty.
You need to increase the memory in the JVM_ARGS setting from 256 to 512 as follows:
In the Magic.ini file go to the [MAGIC_JAVA] section.
In the JVM_ARGS setting increase the memory by changing -Xmx256m to –Xmx512m.