
WMQ.Open Dynamic (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

WMQ.Open Dynamic (Magic xpa 3.x)

The WMQ.Open Dynamic program allows for simultaneous connections in Client mode to more than one queue manager.

The program opens a connection to WMQ based on the channel name, the WMQ host URL, and the channel's listener port number. The program returns a numeric reference for the queue.

The parameters and return value for the WMQ.Open Dynamic program are:



Queue Manager

Alpha (48). Input. The name of the MQ Queue Manager.

Queue Name

Alpha (48). Input. A string specifying the name of the queue to open for regular messaging or the broker name for Publish and Subscribe.

Topic Name

Alpha (50). Input. This parameter, which is mandatory for Publish and Subscribe, must contain the name of the Topic. The Topic Name parameter is only relevant for Publish and Subscribe.

Broker Stream

Alpha (50). Input. This parameter, which is mandatory for Publish and Subscribe, must contain the topic broker stream; for example, SAMPLE.BROKER.RESULTS.STREAM. The Broker Stream parameter is only relevant for Publish and Subscribe.

Queue Access Mode

Alpha (1). Input. A character representing the access. The valid values are:

  • W: Write. Messages are written to the queue.

  • R: Read. Messages are read and removed from the queue.

  • P: Publish. Messages are published to a Topic.

  • S: Subscribe. Messages are subscribed to a Topic.

Share Mode

Alpha (1). Input. A string representing the sharing of the queue. The valid values are:

  • A: Queue is available to all.

  • E: Other sessions cannot read from this queue.

Fetch Order

Alpha (1). Input. The valid values are:

  • P: Physical, as entered.

  • L: Logical, according to group or transaction. This is not relevant for Publish and Subscription.

Message Fetch Mode

Alpha (1). Input, for handling read messages. The valid values are:

  • R: Remove. The message is removed from the queue after reading.

  • B: Browse. The message is read but not removed. This option is only valid for queues that have been opened for Read, and is not relevant for Publish and Subscribe.

Participate in Broadcast

Logical (5). Input. Determines whether the queue will take part in message broadcasting. This parameter is only relevant for a queue that is open for sending messages. Using broadcasting, a single message may be sent to a number of open queues, similar to publishing.

Subscription Scope

Alpha (1). The scope of the subscription. This parameter is only relevant for Subscriptions. The valid values are:

  • L: Local publications sent from the same broker queue as the subscription.

  • G: Global publications

Receive On Request

Logical (5). Publications will only be received upon request. This parameter is only relevant for Subscriptions.

Receive New

Logical (5). Publications sent before the subscription will be received when subscribing. This parameter is only relevant for Subscriptions.

Unsubscribe on Close Queue

Logical (5). When this parameter is True, the component automatically unsubscribes from the topic when the queue is closed. This also means that when the component closes, it will unsubscribe from the topic.

Low-Hi order

Logical (5). Optional input. Indicates whether the word order of numbers should be written and read in low-hi, the Windows standard that evaluates to True, or hi low, the UNIX standard that evaluates to FALSE. When this parameter is not passed, the value fetched will be from the Global setting. For more information, see Configuration.


Numeric (1). Input. The encoding type of an Alpha field. The valid values are:

  1. ANSI



Code Page

Numeric (5). Optional input. The code page that should be used for message encoding. When this parameter is not passed, the value fetched will be from the Global setting. If the global value has not been set in the Global Setup program or the Logical Name, an error is returned. For more information, see Configuration.

Correlation ID

BLOB. Identifies the correlation for Request messages. Identifies subscriptions for a specific subscriber in a shared queue.
Note: The maximum size is 24 bytes.

Msg Persistence

Alpha (1). Indicates whether the message survives system failures. This parameter is only relevant for Subscriptions. The valid values are:

  • P: Persistent

  • N: Not persistent

  • D: As defined by the queue

Subscription period

Numeric (N10). The message life span. This parameter is only valid for Subscriptions. The valid values are:

  • Unlimited = 1

  • Numeric (tenths of seconds)

Disconnect on Close

Boolean. This parameter is only relevant to Read and Write access modes. This parameter will close the connection to the MQ server after the queue closes. Use this parameter cautiously, since it may disconnect all the other queues that were open on the same Queue Manager.

Remote Queue Manager

Alpha (48). Input. The name of a Remote Queue Manager. This parameter sends messages to a specific Remote Queue Manager when connecting to a Local Queue Manager (on a cluster).

Channel Name

Alpha (48). Input. The name of the channel in the WebSphere client.

Connection Host

Alpha (100). Input. The WebSphere MQ host URL.

Connection Port

Numeric (6). The channel's listener port number. Optional - If this parameter is left blank, the WebSphere MQ default will be assumed, such as 1414.

Return value

Numeric (15). If the connection succeeds, a positive value (larger then 0) representing the connection queue handle is returned.

If the connection fails, a negative value of -1 is returned.
