Variable Palette (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Variable palette is accessed by clicking the Variables tab on the Control palette.
The Variable palette displays a list of the available variables for the task and its ancestors. Each entry contains the variable’s letter identifier, the variable’s name, and indicates if it is a real variable, virtual variable, or parameter.
When crossing task boundaries, a separator is shown with the task name centered in it.
You can drag and drop a variable onto the form. When you attach a variable to a Table control a corresponding column title is created.
When you select and place a variable from the Variable palette, Magic xpa automatically adds a Text control, which displays the variable name next to the variable's Edit control.
Press ESC or click on a task name separator to cancel a variable tool selection.
You can easily resize the Variable palette by dragging the palette’s edges, and Magic xpa retains the new size that you set. The size of the Variables identifier column will not be affected by resizing, and you will also not be able to reduce the palette's size to less than its required minimum – the size required for the Control palette. In addition, resizing the Variable palette will not affect the Control palette, and the Control tools will remain adjacent to the top left borders of the palette.
The Variable palette is also available when editing the HTML page of a Browser interface type, where you can drag a variable from the Variable palette and drop it onto the HTML page in the external HTML editor, to create the corresponding control.