Variable List – Debugger (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Variable list displays the variables in the current runtime tree.
You can access this list by selecting the Variables option from the View menu.
The Variables option is available when the execution breaks (either by setting a breakpoint or by selecting Debug > Break Now during execution).
The Variable list includes the following entries:
Name – Enter a name for the variable.
Attribute – The attribute of the selected variable.
Data Source – The Data Source name as it appears in the Data repository.
Value – The valid values that may be entered here are defined by the variable’s attribute, picture, and range.
See also: Setting Variable Values
The Variable list also has the following buttons, which can also be accessed from the context menu:
Add to watch – This button adds the variable currently parked on into the Watch Variable list. This will cause the task to break (pause) when the variable value changes. This button is disabled when you are parked on a program header, shared value, or a variable already in the Watch Variable list.
Go To Source – Click this button to go to the source code for the entry currently parked on.
Set Data – Click this and you can then edit the value of the current variable. This is good for running "what if" scenarios.
Set Null to the Data – Sets the current variable to NULL.

If you update a value in the Variable list, Magic xpa will ask whether to perform recompute and acts accordingly. Any value from a table that is updated in this manner will not be written to the database. If the variable is written to the database, the new value will be written as well.
If you are parked on a Vector attribute, you can zoom (F5) to the Vector Cell list.
Global Variables
How Do I Manipulate Data While Debugging?