The following How-to topics deal with Magic xpa utilities:
How Do I Browse a Data Source?
How Do I Create a Simple Browse Program for a Data Source?
How Do I Syntax Check a Program?
How Do I Validate a Data Source Structure?
How Do I Filter the Messages Shown by the Checker?
How Do I Use the Checker Results?
How Do I Back Up the Project?
How Do I Search and Replace Text in the Project’s Objects?
How Do I Save or Print the Search Results?
How Do I Override Magic xpa Functions?
How Do I Account for Incompatibilities in Table Structure Between Magic xpa and the Database?
How Do I Export a Pervasive ISAM Table Structure to Be Used with External Tools?
How Do I Add External Tools to the Studio?
How Do I Run External Processes Automatically?
How Do I Limit the Use of My Application Using the Magic xpa License Mechanism?