Using the Data Mapper Service (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Data Mapper Service integrates directly with Magic xpi. To begin working with the Data Mapper, you only have to drag it into the Flow Editor from the Components pane on the left of the Magic xpi Studio interface. When you drag the Data Mapper icon into the Flow Editor, the Data Mapper Configuration dialog box opens and you can begin to add information. Click Configuration to open the Source/Destination Management dialog box. This allows you to define your Sources and Destinations in an easy-to-use graphical interface. There is no need to define items before you begin working with the Mapper in a separate interface. You can make all the configurations on-the-fly in the simple-to-use dialog boxes. To edit your configuration, double-click the Data Mapper icon in your flow to open the Data Mapper Configuration dialog box.
Data Mapper Configuration Details
Data Mapper Service – How to
Data Mapper Validation