Node ID
A variable value that defines a record in the task data view. The node cannot be defined from an expression.
Parent ID
A variable value that defines a parent record in the task data view. The parent node cannot be defined from an expression.
Root Value
The expression value used as the starting point for the runtime engine to build the tree.
Show Root
Specifies whether to display the root value as the top node. If No is selected, the root value is not displayed but is still considered the top node. If the root value is not specified, this property will not be active.
See also How Do I Show/Hide the Root Node as Part of the Tree Content?
Control Name
The control name is used by handlers and functions to refer to the control. Unicode is not supported for this property.
Image List file name
Click the Ellipse button to select a bitmap (.bmp) image to be used. This bitmap should have, at least, the images that correspond to each one of the four default states of a tree node: Expanded, Collapsed, Parked Expanded, and Park Collapsed. You can have as many images as you want and the Tree control will be able to dynamically display the specified one. Due to size limitations, each image within the bitmap should be 16x16 pixels.
See also How Do I Set Icons for the Tree Nodes?
Expanded image index
If you specified a bitmap file in the Image List File Name property, click the Ellipse button to select one of the images contained in the file. If you do not specify an image, the runtime engine assigns a default image.
Collapsed image index
If you specified a bitmap file in the Image List File Name property, click the Ellipse button to select one of the images contained in the file. If you do not specify an image, the runtime engine assigns a default image.
Parked Expanded image index
If you specified a bitmap file in the Image List File Name property, click the Ellipse button to select one of the images contained in the file. If you do not specify an image, the runtime engine assigns a default image. The image is not displayed when the engine is not parked on the node and the node is not expanded.
If this property is left blank, then the image index set for the Expanded Image Index property will be used.
Parked Collapsed image index
If you specified a bitmap file in the Image List File Name property, click the Ellipse button to select one of the images contained in the file. If you do not specify an image, the runtime engine assigns a default image. The image is not displayed when the engine is not parked on the node and the node is not collapsed.
Auto Expand
If Yes is selected, the data tree is displayed as expanded for every parent node in runtime.
In Rich Client tasks, you can write a server or a neutral expression for this property.
See also How Do I Automatically Open the Tree with All Its Nodes or Only Several Nodes Expanded?
Node Preload
If Yes is selected, the runtime engine loads the data of all the records in the task data view. If No is selected, the runtime engine only loads the data of expanded records. Note that this property specifies how the data is loaded at runtime.
If the Auto Expand property is set to Yes, the Node Preload property has no effect, since the node will be preloaded in order to be shown expanded.
Note: Setting this property to Yes on a large tree is not recommended.
See also:
Preload View
How Do I Set the Tree Control to Display the Expand Button Only in the Relevant Nodes that Actually Have Child Nodes?
Context Menu
The context menu to be used for the control.
Note: When a context menu is defined, it will override the default OS context menu.
See also Context Menu.
Allow Drag
This property is currently not supported for Tree controls.
Allow Drop
Enables the dropping of data onto the control from other controls in the same project or other projects that run on the same machine. The data copied onto this control can be set manually by defining a handler over the Drop event, or automatically by the Magic xpa engine.
Note: An expression set for this property is only evaluated when the task is loaded.
See also How Do I Drag Data from External Applications to Magic xpa?
This property is currently not supported for Tree controls.
Keep Tree View
Instructs the Tree to keep its view and state on reentrance to the tree's task. Setting this property to Yes is usually required for Tree controls that are displayed in phantom tasks, which is a task that although closed, keeps its window open (Close Task Window=No).
When you place a Tree control in a phantom task, on reentering the phantom task, the Tree control display is reset, even if the range of records is not modified. Therefore, having the value of this property set to Yes will keep the tree as-is.
This property is available in Online tasks only. In Rich Client tasks, by definition, the Tree keeps its view.