Tracking the Task Flow (Magic xpa 4.x)
As we have seen, the Rich Client operation is rather seamless. It is not easy to tell, from the user's standpoint, where the logic is executing.
However, as a developer, you need to know this so that you can optimize your programs.
You can use most of the same operations and functions that you would use in ordinary online programming. Most of the logic will be executed on the client. Some of it, however, will be executed on the server.

In the left hand portion of the Logic handler, you will see a one-letter code. This code tells you where the item will execute:
S = Server
C = Client
M = Mixed
U = Unknown
E = Error
Blank = Neutral

Colors are used to give a visual indication of where the lines will execute. Items that are executed on the server will be shown in Studio Color 10, which by default is pink. Neutral lines will have the same color as the line above them, since they will be executed on whichever side is currently doing the processing.
The flow itself can vary, since some of the operations may have a condition that will evaluate to FALSE, so they will not be processed.