The Generated Java Component (Magic xpa 3.x)
When the Java component has been generated, the Java Component Generator displays the Java Component Completion screen. The created programs are described in the table below.
Object Type
Magic xpa Object
Java Class or EJB if the constructor was selected
Two programs:
A program with JCreate or EJBCreate functions that return the pseudo-reference BLOB variable. Each constructor has its own program.
A program with the JCall function. The program defines and receives all required parameters and returns the function value.
Member Variables
For each member, two programs are created:
A program with the JSet function that sets the variable. The program returns True if the function succeeds or False if the function fails.
A program with the JGet function that returns the queried value.
Static Member Variables
For each static member, two programs are created:
A program with the JSetStatic function.
A program with the JGetStatic function.
Static Methods
A program with the JCallStatic function. This program defines and receives all of the required parameters and returns the value of the function.
Created Files