The following How-to topics deal with the tasks in Magic xpa:
How Do I Define a Program Data View?
How Do I Create a Simple Program?
How Do I Set a Program to Return a Value to the Calling Program?
How Do I Open a Data Source Using a Physical Name that is Different than the one Specified on the Data Repository?
How Do I Dynamically Change the Display Order of Records in a Program?
How Do I Create a Simple Batch Program?
How Do I Stop a Batch Task from Running Forever?
How Do I Delete a Chunk of Records from a Data Table?
How Do I Create Tasks that Dump Data Records Into Flat Text Files and Vice Versa?
How Do I Define Global Values that Can be Dynamically Defined and Accessible by Various Programs?
How Do I Dynamically Instruct the Task to Open a Different Form Than the Main Display Entry?
How Do I Synchronize Parameters Between Called Program and Calling Program?
How Do I Prevent the End User from Adding New Records?
How Do I Prevent the End User from Deleting Existing Records?
How Do I Prevent the End User from Modifying Existing Records?
How Do I Prevent the End User from Modifying the Data in Specific Fields?
How Do I Create a Selection List Program?
How Do I Properly Validate the Data Entered by the End User?
How Do I Set the Tabbing Sequence of the Controls on the Form?
How Do I Exit a Program from a Subtask Level?
How Do I Save My Changes in the Task Editor While Remaining in it?
How Do I Create Logic in a Task?
How Do I Create Operations in a Task?
How Do I Copy a Task as a Subtask?
How Do I Make a Subtask Become the Top Level Task?
How Do I Select a Column of a Table Control?
How Do I Drop a Control or Variable on a Table to Create a New Column to the Left of the Highlighted Column?
How Do I Place Several Controls on the Same Column in a Table Control?
How Do I Add New Controls to a Form?
How Do I Drop a Control Multiple Times Consecutively?
How Do I Select a Container Control (Like Tab or Table) Without Selecting the Controls that are Attached to it?
How Do I Keep the Design of a Form for Future Re-use?
How Do I Select Several Controls at the Same Time?
How Do I Show a Table Control with Alternating Colors?
How Do I Hide or Show the Table Control Dividers?
How Do I Resize a Form?
How Do I Make Form Controls Fit the Form when it is Resized?
How Do I Display a Control on Top of Another Control?
How Do I Jump to the Main Form of the Task?
How Do I View the Tab Order of All Controls?
How Do I Undo the Last Modification in the Form Editor?
How Do I Make Some Controls Have the Same Height or Width?
How Do I Set a Property on Multiple Controls at the Same Time?
How Do I Change the Width of a Table Control Column?
How Do I Move a Table Control Column?
How Do I Move Between Tabs While Editing a Tab Control?
How Do I Make a Control Transparent?
How Do I Set a Default Push Button for the Form?
How Do I Automatically Generate a Default Form Layout?
How Do I Show a Dynamic Form Title?
How Do I Set an Icon for a Form?
How Do I Set a Default Context Menu For All Controls of a Form?
How Do I Set a Context Menu for an Individual Control?
How Do I Improve Performance When a Task is Being Called Repeatedly by a Batch Task?
How Do I Customize the Appearance of the Verify Operation Screen?