System i Connector (Magic xpi 4.1)
The System i connector lets you connect to an IBM i server and execute various IBM i methods:
Call an IBM i HLL (high level language) program, such as a CL, RPG, or COBOL program.
Run an IBM i OS command.
Automatically build a Magic xpi IBM i Argument Attribute String, which is required while passing multiple parameters to CL/RPG/COBOL programs.
Create and manage bytes for user spaces. User spaces are objects that consist of a collection of bytes used for storing user-defined information. They are permanent objects that are located in either the system domain or the user domain. You can use user spaces to store large amounts of information, save and restore object information, and pass data between jobs or systems.
Create and manage data queue objects.
For these functionalities, the following methods are used:
Run Command – You can execute an IBM i OS command from within a Magic xpi flow.
Program Call – You can exchange information between a Magic xpi Server and IBM i by sending/receiving arguments to/from IBM i programs.
Build Attribute String.
Methods to manage user space objects residing on IBM i.
Methods to manage data queue objects residing on IBM i.
To use the Magic xpi System i connector, you must ensure that you have the Magic xpi for IBM i product installed on your machine. The installation should also include the Host Library on the IBM i server. The execution of the methods on the IBM i system is done via an ISAM or SQL gateway and is entirely based on permissions of the relevant user profile.
The System i connector connects to the IBM i server when the component is first invoked. The connection is active as long as the System i connector is active; that is, from when the connector is first invoked until the connector execution is complete.
System i Connector – Prerequisites
System i Connector – Configuration
System i Connector – Error Codes