
Syntax Rules for Constructing Pictures (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Syntax Rules for Constructing Pictures (Magic xpi 4.14)

Case Sensitivity

Functional and positional directives must always be specified in upper case letters. lowercase letters are interpreted as mask characters only.

For example:

The picture XXXXX defines a 5-character Alpha variable.

The picture XXxXX defines a 4-character Alpha variable with the intermixed mask character x.

Escape Character

The escape character \ explicitly specifies that the character immediately following is a mask character. This allows you to override the implied meaning of the directive character and to use a mask character instead.

For example:

The picture XX\XXX defines a 4-character Alpha parameter with the mask character X in the middle. The example shows the character \ telling Magic xpi to interpret the X that follows as a mask character.

Suppose you have a four-digit numeric field containing a weight expressed in pounds. You want to display it with a P in front of the value. If you simply specify the picture P####, Magic xpi interprets the P as the Pad-fill directive, which is not what you want. The correct picture for your needs is \P####.

To use the \ character as a mask character by itself, specify it twice, as in \\.

Count Value

The count value is a quick method of repeating the same character consecutively in a picture. The count value is a number you put after a character that indicates how many times the character must be repeated.

For example:

$#4 means $####

X6 means XXXXXX

X3U2 means XXXUU

The count value can be used for positional directives or for mask characters.
