
Switches - Export Operation (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Switches - Export Operation (Magic xpa 2.x)

Optional instructions for the Export Document operation.


This switch specifies which repository should be exported. Select the character representing the repository as listed below:

  • M – Models

  • T – Tables

  • P – Programs

  • H – Help screens

  • R – Rights

  • U – Menus

  • C – Components

  • D – Application data (properties)

  • A – Application


This switch sets the range of objects that can be exported within a defined repository.

The range of values are defined by the From and To values, separated by a hyphen (for example, 13-18).

When a single entry is exported, the parameter has only one entry number or the same entry number for the From and To values (for example, 7 or 7-7).

When the range is not defined or invalid, Magic xpa exports the selected repository.

Range values are irrelevant when exporting Menus, Rights, Application data or an entire application.

You can export the parked object by using the Range switch. When the Range is set to Range=@, the engine exports the parked object. This switch is handled only in conjunction with the Repository switch.
For example: Export, myobject.exp, Repository=A (All) Range=@

To export a handled object of a specific repository, the Repository switch must indicate the repository.

If the engine did not park on an object or handle an object within a specified repository, the result file will be empty.


When this switch is set to Y, exporting tables and programs will include the models used in the export file. The default value is N.

For example: Export, %Path%AllTables.exp, Repository=T WithModels=Y
