Sugar Resource (Magic xpi 4.6)
Sugar resources contain the following parameters (parameters in bold are mandatory):
API Version
The API version to be used by the Sugar connector. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Legacy API (default)
V10+ API
REST Endpoint
The full REST endpoint URL.
The syntax for the V10+ API is: http://{site url}/rest/v10/
The syntax for the Legacy API is: http://{site url}/service/v4_1/rest.php. For example, http://myHost/service/v4_1/rest.php.
Enter the required REST endpoint URL or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the REST endpoint URL.
User Name
The user name identifies you to the Sugar server.
Enter a user name or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the user name.
The password confirms your identity to the Sugar server.
Enter a password or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as a password.
Caching Level
Determines the metadata and login caching levels. The basic assumption behind the need for caching is that the same data will be needed more than once. Therefore, if data can be re-fetched without performing disk I/O operations, overall performance will be enhanced. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Context: Login and module metadata is cached throughout the context. The login context is created by the first Sugar step in the flow and used by all other Sugar steps in the context configured with the same resource.
Engine (default): Login and module metadata is cached for all contexts running under a Magic xpi engine. Login occurs only once for all contexts, until the login is no longer valid. This option enhances performance and lowers the use of Sugar API calls.
If this parameter is blank, the default value of Engine will be used.
Sugar resources also give you the following button:
Click this button to verify that the connection to the Sugar server is valid. You will receive a message indicating that the connection is established, or an error message if the connection failed.