
Sugar - Trigger Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Sugar - Trigger Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)

The Sugar connector can be used to trigger a flow as a result of modules changed in Sugar. When you drag the Sugar connector into the Magic xpi Studio’s trigger area, the Properties pane opens. Double-click or right-click on the connector and select Configuration from the context menu to open the Sugar Trigger Configuration dialog box.

This dialog box contains the following fields:




Resource Name

This read-only field displays the name(s) of the Sugar resource(s) that you selected for the trigger in the Settings dialog box's Services section.

Polling Interval

Click to open the Polling Interval dialog box. Enter the frequency that the connector will check for changes in your organization's data. You can select a combination of minutes, hours, and days. By default, the interval is set to five minutes.


Select this check box to invoke the Magic xpi flow in synchronous mode each time an event is executed. This means that the next flow will be invoked only after the complete execution of the previously invoked flow.

The default is unchecked.

Keep Alive Interval

The amount of time in minutes that the trigger can be unresponsive before it is automatically restarted. The default value is 0, which means that the trigger can be permanently unresponsive.

  • You should be very careful when selecting a value for this parameter. If the chosen value is too small, a trigger may terminate before it completes a valid operation.

  • If you select the Synchronous check box (above), the trigger and the flow will operate in the same thread. This means that if the trigger is terminated because it is unresponsive, the flow will be terminated as well. Therefore, when setting the Keep Alive Interval parameter, you should also take into account the amount of time it takes for the flow to run.
    For example, if the trigger's unresponsive time is three minutes, and the flow takes a maximum of two minutes to run, then you should set the Keep Alive Interval parameter to a value of more than five minutes.

Row Label

Enter a label to define the triggered row. The variable mapped in the Store Row Label In field (below) holds the label value when the flow is invoked.


Click to open the Modules List. Select the module that the operation will be performed on.


Select one of the following operations from the drop-down list:

  • Created

  • Updated (default)

  • Deleted

Start Date

Click to open the Variables List. Choose the required start date for the retrieval of the data. You can only use global variables in this field.

If the variable is empty or if you do not use a variable, Magic xpi starts polling from the next time you run the project. Magic xpi saves an indication of the last time that Sugar was polled for each resource, object and operation combination. The last timestamp is saved in the Trigger.xml file under %currentprojectdir%Sugar.

The required format for this parameter is the XML DateTime format. You can use Magic xpi's DateTimeFormat function to create valid start dates.

Result Store Options

Store XML Result In

This field is used to store the trigger’s polling results.

Click to open the Variables List. Choose the required BLOB variable by clicking Select. The default is UserBLOB.

Store Row Label In

This field is used to store the trigger’s row label.

Click to open the Variables List. Choose the required Alpha variable by clicking Select.

Store Last Date In

This field holds the last date and time that the trigger found a change (when a module was created, updated, or deleted).

Click to open the Variables List. Choose the required Alpha variable by clicking Select.

The Sugar Trigger Configuration dialog box contains the following additional buttons:



Refresh XSD

Retrieves the module schema for all selected modules.


Creates a new line in the trigger table.


Deletes a selected line in the trigger table.

When you have finished configuring the connector, click OK to create the Sugar schemas for all selected modules, and to close the Sugar Trigger Configuration dialog box.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to close the Sugar Trigger Configuration dialog box without saving your definitions.
