String Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

To display an apostrophe (') as part of the text to the end user, enter two single apostrophes ('').
& – Concatenates Alpha strings.
ANSI2OEM – Converts data from ANSI to OEM.
ASCIIChr – Converts a number to a corresponding character in the ASCII character set.
ASCIIVal – ASCII value of a string character.
AStr – Applies a selected format to a string value.
CRC – Calculates redundancy check.
Del – Deletes characters from a string.
DStr – Converts a date or a date expression to a character string.
Fill – Repeats a string.
Flip – Inverts a string.
HVal – Returns the decimal (base 10) value of a hexadecimal (base 16) number.
Ins – Inserts a string in another string.
InStr – Searches for the first occurrence of a string in another string.
Left – Extracts a substring from the left.
Len – Returns the defined length of an Alpha string.
Logical – Converts a visual representation to a logical representation.
Lower – Returns a string in lowercase.
LTrim – Removes leading blanks.
MID – Extracts a substring.
MlsTrans – Returns the translation of a string.
mTVal – Converts a time value in milliseconds from an Alpha string to a numeric value.
MVal – Converts a Magic xpa number (with a specified length in bytes) to a number.
OEM2ANSI – Converts data from OEM to ANSI.
Rep – Replaces a substring within a string.
RepStr – Replaces all occurrences of a defined substring with another substring in a given source string.
Right – Extracts a substring from the right.
RTrim – Removes trailing blanks.
SoundX – Compares homonyms.
StrBuild – Replaces placeholders in a template string with string values.
StrToken – Returns a token from a delimited string.
StrTokenCnt – Returns the number of existing delimited tokens in a given string.
StrTokenIdx – Returns the token index in a delimited Alpha string.
Translate – Translates all logical names and nested logical names to their actual values.
TranslateNR – Translates all logical names, including nested logical names, in a string to their actual values.
Trim – Removes leading and trailing blanks.
TVal – Converts a time value stored as an Alpha character string to a numeric value.
UnicodeChr – Converts a numeric value to its corresponding Unicode character.
UnicodeFromANSI – Converts an ANSI string to Unicode characters as determined by the selected code page.
UnicodeToANSI – Converts a Unicode string to ANSI characters according to a selected code page.
UnicodeVal – Converts a Unicode character to its corresponding numeric value.
Upper – Returns a string in uppercase.
Val – Converts an Alpha character to a number.
Visual – Converts a logical representation to a Visual representation.