
SpecialSwfControlNameProperty (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

SpecialSwfControlNameProperty (Magic xpa 4.x)

Set the SpecialSwfControlNameProperty flag to Y to set the controls’ SWFName property value with the value of Magic xpa’s Control Name property.

This setting comes into effect only after setting AllowTesting=Y.

This setting needs to be specified under [MAGIC_SPECIALS] section.

  • When SpecialSwfControlNameProperty = Y, each control (that has a control name specified in xpa) will be identified by its WinFormsControlName property in the automation tool. For example, for Login TextBox with control name 'Login', the automation tool will identify the login Edit control by its WinFormsControlName property = 'Login'.

  • When SpecialSwfControlNameProperty = N, the object will be identified by mandatory properties specified for that object in the automation tool. For example, for the Login TextBox, the automation tool will identify the login Edit control by its ClrFullClassName=com.magicsoftware.controls.MgTextBox and index setting=2.

Platform specific:

  • On iOS devices, the control's accessibilitylabel property will be set. Since version: 2.4b

  • Not supported for Android devices.

Valid values: Y, N

Default value: N

Since version: 2.3a
