A number, from 1 - 14. The expected numeric values and the cursor shape they produce are listed below: 1 Standard arrow 2 Hourglass 3 Hand 4 Standard arrow and small hourglass 5 Crosshair 6 Arrow and question mark 7 I-beam 8 Slashed circle 9 Four-pointer arrow pointing north, south, east, and west 10 Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest 11 Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south 12 Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast 13 Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east 14 Vertical arrow
Platform specific:
This function returns False in non-Windows platforms.
For mobile devices this function is supported on Android and iOS devices only. This function is used to show a spinner image (for example, before calling a Batch or non-interactive task that takes a long time to execute).
Only the values of 1 and 2 are supported.
A value of 1 means that no spinner image is shown (default mode).
A value of 2 means that a spinner image is shown. Once the spinner is shown, the user interface is suspended and the user will not be able to do anything (including clicking the Back button). To return the control to the user, you must remove the spinner using SetCrsr(1).
Note: The function is effective only if executed on the client side.