
Services Settings (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Services Settings (Magic xpa 2.x)

Each service is associated with a server. Zoom from the Server property to access the Server list. Services are defined as either Magic Request Broker or SOAP services.

The Service repository includes the following columns:




The service identifier (#) used in the project. Magic xpa sets this column automatically.


Defines the unique name of the service displayed.


Defines the server entry from the Server list. The Server list can be accessed by zooming (F5) from this field to select the appropriate server.

Note that you can define the service properties (except for the SOAP Lite services) in the properties dialog box (Alt+Enter). Since version: 1.8 SP1


Defines the name of the Magic xpa project associated to a service. Zoom from this field to select a project.

For SOAP services the endpoint is filled automatically when loading the WSDL based on the service endpoint defined in the WSDL.

It is possible to modify this setting and specify another endpoint. For example, when you want to redirect the SOAP requests to another server than the one defined in the WSDL.

The value in this property is re-evaluated before each call to the Web server. This gives you the ability to change the value of the endpoint by updating a logical name. Since version: 1.5

You can access the Service properties by pressing Alt+Enter, or by selecting Properties from the Edit menu or the Services context menu (but not for the SOAP Lite services).

When you select one of the default servers, the Service Properties dialog box appears.

When you select a SOAP service, the Web Service Properties dialog box appears.
