
ServiceMax Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

ServiceMax Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

ServiceMax resources contain the following parameters (parameters in bold are mandatory):



Endpoint URL

The ServiceMax endpoint URL. The default value of this field is

Enter the required endpoint URL or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as an endpoint URL.

OAuth Refresh Token Status

Indicates whether a refresh token was successfully obtained when you performed the Salesforce authorization process. The possible values are:

  • Missing (default)

  • Available

Allow Field Truncation

In ServiceMax, if a field value is specified that is too large for the relevant field definition, the operation fails and the STRING_TOO_LONG fault code is returned. ServiceMax's AllowFieldTruncationHeader property controls this behavior. The Allow Field Truncation field allows you to define the AllowFieldTruncationHeader property's behavior through Magic xpi.

Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Yes (default): Truncates the field value if it is larger than the field definition, thereby avoiding a runtime error and subsequent operation failure. This also allows backward compatibility with projects developed prior to 3.2 SP1.

  • No: Does not truncate the field value. A runtime error is returned and the operation fails.

If you need to use both of these behaviors in the same project, you should define two identical resources where only the Allow Field Truncation property is different.

ServiceMax resources also give you the following buttons:




Click this button to verify that the connection to the ServiceMax server is valid. You will receive a message indicating that the connection is established, or an error message if the connection failed.


Click this button to open a browser window configured for the OAuth2 flow. In this browser, enter your Salesforce credentials to complete the Salesforce authorization process. Once you have done this successfully, the OAuth Refresh Token Status parameter (above) will be set to Available. You can then click the Validate button (above) to confirm that your connection to the ServiceMax server is valid.

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