0 – Success
1 – Metadata files are not synced (error -271). The client should be restarted once with the server accessible and available, and with the ConnectOnStartup execution property set to Y.
2 – The Web server was inaccessible.
3 – The Web server was accessible but the request could not be served, such as no Magic xpa server was available, or the request started processing in an Magic xpa server but had a fatal error during execution (error -156).
4 – The context is no longer available (such as due to ContextActivityTimeout) and the client could not recreate a new context in the Magic xpa server since there were non-Offline tasks in the execution call tree.
5 – The Studio cannot serve the request, when the Studio is opened in Online Deployment mode and the application was started in Offline mode (error -272)
6 – When the client skips the connection to the server because the ConnectOnStartup execution property is set to N (Since version: 2.4b)