Security Functions (Magic xpa 2.x)
GroupAdd – Assigns a user to a user group in the Security file from within an application.
LMChkIn – Checks in a user instance of a specified feature license.
LMChkOut – Checks out a use instance of a specified feature license.
LMUVStr – Returns the vendor string of the user license that was checked out by a user.
LMVStr – Returns the vendor string of the license that is checked out by the Magic xpa engine.
Logon – Entry to a current application.
PPD – Reads the protection device code programmed in the application.
RightAdd – Assigns a right to a user in the Security file from within an application.
Rights – Queries whether the user owns a specific right.
User – Returns user data as specified in the User ID repository.
UserAdd – Add a user record into the Security file from within an application.
UserDel – Lets the supervisor delete a user identification in a security file from within a Magic xpa application.
If multiple users simultaneously update the security file by using one of the security functions, it is recommended to use the Lock function before the update and the UnLock function after the update.