
Save/Load Connections (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Save/Load Connections (Magic xpi 4.14)

Data Mapper is an integral component of Magic xpi and helps users transform any data from a Source to Destination. This is done by creating connections between elements in the Source and the Destination data types.

These mappings can sometimes be very complex, when the Source and Destination have very large schemas. If these mapping are required to be done in multiple Data Mapper steps, in the same project or across different projects, then it can become time consuming activity resulting in loss of productivity. To avoid redoing the mapping across the flows and/or projects, the Save and Load connection feature is introduced in Magic xpi. This feature is an extension to the Connect All feature of Data Mapper. It will help in replicating the existing connections between Source and Destination in multiple Data Mappers steps.

The Save and Load options will be available on the Context menu in the Data Mapper.

The Save Connection operation will only save the Mapper Connections and will ignore details of the Schema's and other Mapper attributes like Mapping Conditions, Calculated Values and Multi Update operation.

The Load Connection will load mappings from the file on the disk to the Data Mapper step. Thus the exported file will act as a template for complex mappings which can be re-used across projects to replicate the mappings.

The Saved file will have the extension mgmap. It will be saved at a default location: C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\Magic\Templates\Mappings\Example.mgmap

This operation will only save the Mapper connections. For a complete replication of the mappings, use the Export/Import operation on the step from the Flow Editor.

Save Connections

The Save Connections option is available in the context menu of the Data Mapper. On clicking Save Connections, the user will be given a prompt to save the Data Mapper connection to a file. User can save it to the default location or choose another location to save the file.

The connections or the links between the Data Mapper will be saved as part of the selected file.

What is not Saved

The Save Connection operation will not save the following:

· The Data Mapper Source or Destination fields

· The Mapper attributes like Mapping Conditions, Calculated Values

· Mapper schemas

· Multi Update operations

Load Connections

The Load Connection will load the connections from the connections file (*.mgmap) and add the connections in the Data Mapper.

Before executing the Load Connections operation, the Source and Destination fields in the Data Mapper should be selected otherwise the Load Connections will fail.

Rules for Load Connections

  1. The Data Mapper will replicate the connections by matching the names between the Source and Destination on best effort mode.

  2. Existing connections will remain as-is and will not be modified or deleted.

  3. Any mapping in the loaded file that does not match any Source and Destination field will be ignored. In this case, the list of connections that failed to load will be displayed along with the error message to the user.

(Since version: 4.13)
