SQL Statements Supported by the Data Source (Magic xpa 2.x)
The utility uses the existing connection to the data source selected and sends the function SQLGetInfo, which returns information about the attributes of SQL statements supported by the data source associated with the connection’s handle allocated.
To retrieve the same information, simply use Connect\Full Connect to connect to the data source, and select Connect\SQLGetInfo with the specific fInfoType you want. The result is in the rgbInfoValue field in the result window.
SQL_CORRELATION_NAME = Correlation names are supported and can be any valid name.
A 16-bit integer indicating if table correlation names are supported:
SQL_CN_NONE = Correlation names are not supported.
SQL_CN_DIFFERENT = Correlation names are supported, but must differ from the names of the tables they represent.
SQL_CN_ANY = Correlation names are supported and can be any valid user-defined name.
SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE = Case sensitive, stored in mixed case
A 16-bit integer value as follows:
SQL_IC_UPPER = Identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in upper case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_LOWER = Identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in lower case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_SENSITIVE = Identifiers in SQL are case sensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_MIXED = Identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.
SQL_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS = All columns must be nullable
A 16-bit integer specifying whether the data source supports non-nullable columns:
SQL_NNC_NULL = All columns must be nullable.
SQL_NNC_NON_NULL = Columns may be non-nullable (the data source supports the NOT NULL column constraint in CREATE TABLE statements).
SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE = Minimum grammar supported
A 16-bit integer value indicating SQL grammar supported by the driver:
SQL_OSC_MINIMUM = Minimum grammar supported
SQL_OSC_CORE = Core grammar supported
SQL_OSC_EXTENDED = Extended grammar supported
SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE = Case insensitive, stored in mixed case
A 16-bit integer value as follows:
SQL_IC_UPPER = Quoted identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in upper case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_LOWER = Quoted identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in lower case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_SENSITIVE = Quoted identifiers in SQL are case sensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.
SQL_IC_MIXED = Quoted identifiers in SQL are case insensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.