SQL Command – SQL Assistor (Magic xpa 4.x)
The SQL Command field is where you enter SQL Command text.
Type the statement directly or compose it by selecting Key Words, Operators, Table names, and Column names from the four lists.
To select from the lists, double-click an entry. The value selected will be inserted at the insertion point position.
The mode in which the selected value is inserted depends on the current Insert mode of Magic xpa. If Insert/Overwrite is in the Insert state, the selected value is inserted while pushing existing text. If the Insert/Overwrite is in the Overwrite state, the inserted value overwrites the existing text from the insertion point position.
To achieve behavior with the keyboard similar to that of the mouse, use the Magic xpa actions defined for the Assistor. The Actions are: 'SQL KeyWords', 'SQL Operator', 'SQL Tables', 'SQL Column'. These actions are not mapped to a keyboard value in the standard keyboard mapping, but can be mapped by the developer.

In the Magic xpa Studio, you can use up to 10,000 characters in the Direct SQL statement.
During runtime, there is no limitation on the actual length of the statement and no limitation for an argument if it is a variable.
For example:
Select * from table where f1=:1 and f2=:2
If :1 and :2 are connected to variables, there is no Runtime limitation.
If :1 is an expression, it is limited to 10,000 characters.
Assist Utility