
SAPB1 Multi Resources List (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

SAPB1 Multi Resources List (Magic xpi 4.14)

This list enables you to select SAPB1 resources that you previously defined in the Settings dialog box's Resources section. You can use these resources when you define SAPB1 services in the Settings dialog box's Services section.

  • Select the check box next to a specific SAPB1 resource.

  • Select the Use Company DB check box or enter the trigger database details and then click OK. The trigger database details include Server Name, Database Name, User name and Password. This is a new database which will hold a trigger table for one or more companies that Magic xpi monitors. It will be the responsibility of the customer to create this dedicated database.

  • You can select more than one resource.

  • Check the All Resources check box to select all available SAPB1 resources.

Parameter Name


Connection Properties

Enter the ODBC connection string in the Connection Properties column. This is enabled only if the resource’s DB Server Type is set to HANA DB. Here, you need to enter the ODBC connection string defined in the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box. The required format is <connection string>\<db owner>. If the backslash (\) is not entered, the entire entry will be regarded as the connection string and the db owner value will be taken from the SAPB1 resource’s Company Database property. For more information about how to work with SAPB1 HANA, click here. Since version: 4.5a

Use Company DB

Select the check box against a specific SAPB1 resource, if you want to use the company database.

When this option is selected, the trigger and step will use the company table as if it was a separate trigger’s database and the database details will not be required. The Server Name, Database Name, User and Password fields will be in read only mode. If the Use Company DB check-box is unchecked, the user has to provide the trigger's database details in the subsequent fields.

Since version: 4.6.5

Server Name

Enter the name of the server for the trigger's database. This field is applicable when the trigger's database is hosted on a different server than the company database. The Server Name field is enabled when the Use Company DB check-box is unchecked.

If the value of the Server Name field is not provided, then value will be taken from the Server parameter of the SAPB1 Resource.

To use a server other than the company server, the following prerequisites should be met:

  • The Server should be a Linked Server. To set up a Linked Server refer a topic called.

  • Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) Windows Service should be up and running.

Since version: 4.7.6

Database Name

Enter the name of the database. This is a new database which will hold a trigger table for the company that Magic xpi monitors. The user will be able to add multiple companies to the same database and Magic xpi can monitor them. The name of the trigger table will be same as <server name>_<company database name>_magic_xpi_trigger. This table will be created when Deploy command is invoked from the Studio.

It will be the responsibility of the customer to create a dedicated database for the triggers and provide the connection details. Magic xpi should have the permission to perform CRUD operations on the database tables.


Enter the username to connect to the trigger’s database.


Enter the password to authenticate to the trigger’s database for the given user name.

  • To close the SAPB1 Multi Resources List without making a selection, click Cancel.

  • For SAP HANA implementation the triggers database should be on the same HANA server.

  • Delete the ibolt_notification stored procedure and ibolt_trigger table if already present because henceforth Magic xpi will not use these objects.

  • Before deploying the service in Magic xpi 4.7.6, if there are any modifications to the SBO_SP_PostTransactionNotice stored procedure done as a part of the Magic xpi 4.6.5 hotfix, then those changes need to be reverted.

  • Apart from deploying the script to the company database a copy of the script will also be created at the following location:


The backup of the existing Stored Procedure before the modification, will be created with the timestamp at the time backup and saved at the following location:


  • The table creation script will also be generated at the following location:

? If the company database is used to create the trigger table, then table creation script will be stored at the following location:


? If a separate trigger's database is used to create the trigger table, the script will be stored at the following location:


  • Creating these scripts will facilitate the user to deploy the scripts manually if required.
