SAPB1 – Trigger Configuration (Magic xpi 4.1)
The SAPB1 Trigger Configuration dialog box contains the following fields:
Service Definitions
This read-only field displays the name(s) of the SAPB1 resource(s) that you selected for the trigger in the Service Repository.
Polling Interval
This read-only field displays the polling interval that you defined for this service in the Service Repository.
Keep Alive Interval
The amount of time in minutes that the trigger can be unresponsive before it is automatically restarted. The default value is 0, which means that the trigger can be permanently unresponsive.
You should be very careful when selecting a value for this parameter. If the chosen value is too small, a trigger may terminate before it completes a valid operation.
Object Details
Data Object
Click to open the Trace Object List. This contains the trace objects that you created in the Service Repository's SAPB1 Trace Objects Configuration dialog box. Select the required objects.
Select an operation from the drop-down list. The operations that appear on this list are those that you previously defined in the Service Repository.
The SAPB1 trigger is invoked for each User operation in the system, including login and logout.
End Action
Select the action that will be done on the record at the end of processing. The available actions are:
Update Status
Delete Record
XML Export Type
Select one of the following from the drop-down list to enter the XML Export Type used in the transaction:
The default is 3.ExportImportMode, which only supports read/write fields.
Result Definitions
Store Trigger Query In
Click to open the Variables List. Select the location where you want to store the query that is generated by the trigger.
Store Trigger Information In
Select one of the following from the drop-down list to define the storage format for the information generated by the trigger:
Click to open the Variables List. Select the location where you want to store the information that is generated by the trigger.
When you select String (above), the generated string contains the DataObject - Operation - Server Name - Database Name - Object Key Values - Resource Name variables. For example, ServiceCalls - Add - localhost - SBODemo_US - 7 - SAPB1_Resource. There are spaces preceding and following the hyphens. It is used for flow logic, when two or more operations are handled in the same flow.
To use the SAPB1 connector as a trigger:
From the Project menu, select Resources to open the Resource Repository. Here, you should define an SAPB1 resource. This allows you to create the required connections to SAP databases. For more information on how to do this, click here. You cannot continue with the next step until you have done this.
From the Project menu, select Services to open the Service Repository. Here, you should define an SAPB1 service. For more information on how to do this, click here. You cannot continue with the next step until you have done this.
Drag the SAPB1 connector to Magic xpi's Trigger area. When you do this, the Component Properties dialog box opens.
Click the Component Properties dialog box's Settings tab. In the Service Name field, select one of the services that you previously defined in the Service Repository.
Click Configuration to open the SAPB1 Trigger Configuration dialog box. Enter the relevant information.
When you have entered the relevant information in these parameters, click OK to save the information and to exit the SAPB1 Trigger Configuration dialog box, or click Cancel to exit without saving.
Finally, click OK to save the information and to exit the Component Properties dialog box, or click Cancel to exit without saving.
Your SAPB1 trigger should now appear in the flow pane's Trigger area.