SAP Adaptors Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)
The following flags provide further functionality when working with Magic xpi's SAP connectors.
SAPB1 Locking
This flag controls SAP locking. Enter N to allow more than one SAPB1 step to run simultaneously over a whole project's runtime scope.
The project's ifs.ini file entry is: SAPB1Locking
SAPB1 Remove Empty Nodes
This flag determines whether to remove or to retain empty nodes that may occur when configuring SAPB1 with an XML interface. Enter Y to remove empty nodes from the XML configuration.
The project's ifs.ini file entry is: SAPB1RemoveEmptyNodes
Rfc Allow Start Program
This flag lets you determine which programs are allowed to run on client machines.
The project's ifs.ini file entry is: RfcAllowStartProgram
Debug Trace Level
This flag adds extended trace options to the SAP ERP connector.
The project's ifs.ini file entry is: DebugTraceLevel