This flag adds extended trace options to the SAP ERP connector. It is located in the [MAGIC_IBOLT] section of the Magic.ini file. Each option returns the JCO version and runtime information, and you can select additional trace options as follows:
0: No trace.
1: Important public API calls.
2: Additional public API calls (for example, getClient and releaseClient).
3 (default): Internal middleware calls (JNI/JRfc layer).
4: Additional internal middleware details (for example, enter/leave API information).
5: Record memory allocation information; important caller stack trace information (for example, for removePool, setTraceLevel).
6: RFC metadata (name, type, offset, length, import/export-options); ASCII content data (first 1000 characters of structures and first 5 rows of tables).
7: Additional hex values for content data.
8: Full content data dump (no character or row limit).
9: Java to and from C marshalling field data; code page converter calls.
10: Memory leak analysis information (Record ObjectIDs and detailed freeRecord).