Returns the information of a given context entry of a given service or server name. The RqRtCtxs function should be run before using this function.
RqRtCtx(service/server name, context entry number)
service/server name: An Alpha variable or constant with a service or server name.
Context entry number: Numeric value indicating the internal number of the context within all contexts queried using RqRtCtxs. The RqRts function must be called first.
A string with the following comma-delimited information:
Context ID: The ID of the context.
Request ID: The ID of the request that is active within this context.
Program name: The name of the program that opened this context.
User name: the name of the user logged into the system within this context.
Status: The status of the context
E – Executing – The current entry is currently executing.
P – Pending Execution – The current entry is waiting for an event.
T – Pending Termination – The current entry is waiting for termination. This status can be retrieved when:
The context in the Browser Client was ‘unloaded’ by moving to a different page.
A RIA application running on a Windows mobile device was minimized.
Contexts in this status can be either terminated or revived.
Last used: the amount of time that has passed since the last time the context was active in the HH:MM:SS format.
RqRtCtx('My Service',14)
This example returns the following information about the 14th entry that was queried using the 'My Service' service.
1324543108,128,Customer Entry,George,E,00:00:00
The Request ID is only available if the status of the context is Executing. Otherwise the Request ID is set to zero.
For example:
2314672146,0,Customer Entry,George,P,00:13:47
See also:
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES05 and RES05)