
RqRtBlock (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

RqRtBlock (Magic xpa 2.x)

Blocks external and/or internal requests (requests issued by the server for the server to handle) from reaching the server (either synchronous or asynchronous). Requests are handled as if the server did not connect to the Broker at all, e.g. will wait according to the broker timeout of each request.
If the function is called before the enterprise server registered to the broker, the command will be sent to the broker as soon as the engine automatically registers to the broker.


RqRtBlock (service name, entry number, supervisor password, all , shutdown)


Server/service name – Alpha. The name of the server or the service. If it is a service, the server specified for that service will be blocked.

Entry number – Numeric. Indicates the internal number of the Runtime engine, within the list returned by the RqRts function.
If the value is 0 then all runtime engines will be blocked (the RqRts function is not required).
If the value is -1 then the current engine will be blocked (the RqRts function not required).

Supervisor password – Alpha. The password specified in the Broker initialization file.

All – Logical. If True, blocks all requests. If False, blocks only external requests.

Shutdown (optional) – Logical. If set to Yes, when the engine has no users to serve, it will be terminated. A missing value is equal to No.
The RC application upgrade methodology is based on the concept that the currently running engines will be blocked for new users and will continue to serve existing users, while new engines will launch the upgraded application for new users. This parameter enables you to shut down the blocked engines when they will no longer serve any users. Since version: 1.9


Logical – True when the enterprise servers have been blocked, or the enterprise servers are already in the required state. False when the enterprise servers could not be blocked.
If one or more of the enterprise servers were not in one of the following allowed states, the function will fail (enterprise servers that were in an allowed status will be blocked):

  • Available

  • Executing Local

  • Executing Request

  • Blocked

  • External Blocked

If there is an Invalid service name or Runtime engine number, the function will fail. If the password is not the supervisor password, the function will fail.


RqRtBlock ('Default Broker', BA, 'Secret', 'FALSE'LOG, 'FALSE'LOG) – The virtual numeric variable BA temporarily stores the Runtime engine number. This number is returned from the execution of the RqRts function.


Blocked enterprise server(s) will be resumed from the ‘Blocked’ status only by the RqRtResume function; specifically, not due to ‘I am alive’ messages from the enterprise server, or by changing the enterprise server to and from Studio mode.

See also:

The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES10 and RES10)
