Provides the number of applications supported by one or all enterprise servers associated with a broker.
RqRtApps(service/server name, runtime engine number, supervisor password)
service/server name: An Alpha variable or constant with a service name.
runtime engine number: Numeric value indicating the internal number of the runtime engine (if not 0), within all runtime engines associated with the service (RqRts must be called before).
supervisor password: An Alpha variable defining the supervisor password of the service Broker or an empty string.
entries – A numeric variable with the number of applications (how many) that are supported by the runtime engine, registered for this service.
RqRtApps(Data Server,BD,") The virtual numeric variable BD temporarily stores a runtime engine number for the number of applications that are supported by the runtime engine. This number is returned from the execution of the RqRts function.
See also:
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES03 and RES03)