Provides information about a request through a list of values that are generated from the Queue or from the Broker's history log. Executes only when RqQueLst or RqReqLst are called before.
RqReqInf(server/service name, entry number)
server/service name: An Alpha variable or constant with a server or service name.
entry number: Numeric values specifying an index in the list of requests queried by RqQueLst or RqReqLst, one of them most be called before. This value must be between 1 to the number of entries returned by either RqQueLst or RqReqLst.
String with the following comma-delimited information:
Application name – The name of the application of the request.
Program name – The public name of the program that will run.
User name – The user name to access the application.
Priority – The priority of the execution.
Submit Host – The host where the request was submitted.
PID – The process ID of the client that submitted the request.
Submit Time – The time when the request was submitted.
Elapsed Execution Time - Number of seconds that the request executed.
Request ID - the request ID associated with the request.
Request ID Status – 1 - Pending, 2 - Executing, 3 - Completed, 4 - Failed, 5 - Cleared.
General Request Return Code. Refer to Winsock Errors.
Runtime Return Code – of the task execution. This is internal code to be used by Magic's R&D department.
DBMS Return Code – of the execution (in case an error occurred). Refer to DB Errors.
Runtime engine address and port
RqReqInf (Default service, C) The virtual numeric variable C temporarily stores an entry number calculated through the execution of the RqReqLst function.
If the password is an empty string, only information about requests that were submitted from the current user can be displayed. If the service name, entry number, or supervisor password is invalid, an empty string is returned.
See also:
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES04, ES15, RES04 and RES15)