Provides statistical information about the load of one or all services of a single broker.
RqLoad(service/server name, supervisor password)
service/server name: An Alpha variable or constant with a service/server name.
supervisor password: An Alpha variable defining the supervisor password of the service Broker.
String with the following comma-delimited information:
Average queue time – float numeric value with 2 digits after the decimal point. This is the average time that a user has to wait for an Enterprise server to be assigned to them.
Total number of requests – numeric value
Number of pending/ in queue requests – numeric value
Number of requests in progress: (received enterprise server) – numeric value
Number of requests that were executed – numeric value
Number of requests that failed – numeric value
Daily number of requests – numeric value (Since version: 1.5 SP3)
Daily response time of requests – numeric value (Since version: 1.5 SP3)
Invalid service name causes the function to fail and return a blank string. If the password is not the supervisor password, then the function also fails.
See also:
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES06 and RES06)