Requests a broker to load a new copy from a predefined list of applications on the broker's local computer.
RqExe(server /service name, application entry name, arguments, supervisor password)
server /service name: An Alpha variable or constant from Magic xpa's server list.
application entry name: An Alpha variable or constant identifying an application that was predefined in the APPLICATIONS_LIST or the REMOTE_APPLICATIONS_LIST entry in the Mgrb.ini file.
arguments: Optional arguments for the loaded application (e.g. /StartApplication=5).
supervisor password: An Alpha variable defining the supervisor password of the broker.
Boolean value indicating if the requested application is being loaded by the broker. The broker loads the application in an asynchronous call, so the returned value indicates only if the access to the broker was accepted and the application could be loaded.
RqExe ('Default Broker', 'Online', '/StartApplication=5', 'Secret')
This function is supported only while using the Broker as a middleware.
See also:
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program ES13 and RES13)