Rich Edit Controls (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Rich Client Rich Edit control properties are listed by categories:
Platform specific: The Rich Edit control is not supported for mobile devices.
The Rich Edit control is not available in Web Client tasks.

The RTF control, shown above, allows users to insert a Rich Text Format that can be better formatted during development.
The Rich Text control is part of the static control group.
The Rich Text control allows the developer to set the color and font for each character and set the paragraph design for each line inside the control.
For Display forms:
Park on the Rich Text control.
Click the Edit Text Lines... link at the bottom of the property sheet. Since version: 3.0
For Output forms:
To change the properties of text in a Rich Text control:
Park on the Rich Text control.
Press Enter. The control will now be in Edit mode.
Mark some of the text in the Rich Text control.
Right-click the mouse to open the Rich Text control shortcut menu, where you can make changes to the properties of the text.
The following internal events are operations that can be done to Rich Text controls: Align Left, Align Right, Bullet, Center, Change Color, Change Font, Indent, OLE2, and Unindent.

Another RTF control, shown above, enables the user to insert a Rich Edit control that contains a variable or expression. The Rich Edit control behaves the same as the Rich Text control, but only during runtime.
The Rich Client and Online behavior differs when you want to attach a color, font, or paragraph setting to the RTF Edit control:
In Rich Client programs, attach a variable with a Binary Blob attribute to the Rich Edit control.
In Online programs, attach a variable with a Unicode Blob attribute to the Rich Edit control.
If you use any other attribute than described above, the color, font or paragraph setting may be removed when updating the content of the Blob.
The RTF control also enables the user to insert a Rich Edit control that contains a variable or expression. You can define the numeric size for an RTF edit field through a setting called RtfBufferSize that is located in the MAGIC_SPECIALS section of the Magic.ini file
For example, RtfBufferSize = 64 displays the RTF edit field as 64Kb.
The RtfBufferSize setting is read each time a new screen is built, prior to the Task Prefix. When the RtfBufferSize setting has a new value, and the user utilizes the INIPut function, the size value of the RTF edit fields is updated and displayed in the form of the task.
Revising the RtfBufferSize setting within a task does not affect the size of the RTF edit fields that were already created.
Drag-and-Drop operations can be performed only for the selected text in an RTF Edit control.
Since version: Rich Client support: 1.5