Specifies whether or not the control will have a border.
Online support: Since version: 2.0
The font for the control's text taken from the Application Font repository.
The color of the control taken from the Application Color repository.
Platform specific: In mobile devices, when a system color is used it will show the operating system's default color for the control.
Note: The RTF Edit control does not support transparent background colors.
Help screen
Specifies whether a Help screen is associated with this control. You can zoom to select a Help screen from the Help list.
For Rich Client controls, only help screens of Type=URL are supported.
For Rich Client controls, the URL can point to a server file and not to a Web location. (Since version: 1.9)
Specifies whether a ToolTip is associated with this control. A number specifies the number of the ToolTip Help in the Help list.
You can enter an expression for a Tooltip so that the Tooltip is dynamic. You can create the expression in Unicode format.
Help prompt
Specifies whether a Help prompt is associated with this control. You can zoom to select a Help prompt from the Help list.
Specifies whether the control will be visible to the user.
Specifies whether the control will be active.