Rich Client Modules (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Rich Client modules are as follows:
Distributed Application Architecture: Provided by Magic xpa.
The Web Server: You need a Web Server to receive the requests from remote clients. The Web Server forwards the request to the Magic xpa Server.
Magic xpa Internet Requester: A module that acts as an intermediary between the client and the Magic xpa server. This module can pass the request and the data to one idle Magic xpa server in a pool of servers, thus distributing the load.
Magic xpa Request Broker: Maintains the pool of Magic xpa servers. Magic xpa provides you with a middleware agent known as the request broker. The request broker handles all the available Magic xpa server engines and directs each request from the Magic xpa Internet requester to the available server engine. The request broker provides load balancing and recovery capabilities to handle any fail over.
Magic xpa Server: The Magic xpa server lies at the heart of Interactive Rich Client Application deployment. It is the actual runtime unit, which handles each request and executes the entire application logic for each type of request it receives. The Magic xpa server needs to know the location of the request broker, connect to it, and then make itself available to the Magic xpa Internet requester.
The Magic xpa server engine is designed to handle multiple requests using a single engine process. This is achieved using the multi-threading capabilities of the Magic xpa Server engine.
The above modules can be installed on the same machine or distributed among different machines, even on machines using different operating systems.
The installation procedure for Magic xpa and the Magic xpa server automatically installs all the required modules and configures the system to prepare the infrastructure for deployment. The Web requester, among other things, handles the requests that arrive from the client side. The Web requester can reside on a different machine than the Magic xpa engine.

The image above illustrates how a Rich Client communicates with the server, and how the back end interacts with the distributed Magic xpa modules.