
Report Generator (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

The Report Generator (Magic xpa 4.x)

The Report Generator helps you manage reports by letting you run existing reports, create new reports, delete reports, duplicate reports, load reports created by others, view the results of an existing report, or print a report.

To learn about different aspects of the Report Generator, see:

  • To be able to run the Report Generator, .NET framework 2.0 or 3.5 needs to be installed on your computer.

  • The program name is used as the report generator file name, so it is not possible to run the Report Generator on programs that include illegal file characters, such as ? and *.

  • The Report Generator does not support Hebrew field names.

  • The Report Generator is supported for Rich Client tasks. Since version: 1.9

  • If you want to use both the End-User Functionality component and the Report Generator, then the Report Generator component should be defined above the End-User Functionality component.
