Description |
Report Generator Functions (Magic xpa 2.x)
When defining variables in the Report Generator the following functions are available:
Checks if a value exists in a group of values.
Syntax: Contains(string, search string)
Returns: It returns Boolean Value True/False
Example: Contains(~name~Var,'ve') When ~name~Var has the value of ’Edeveloper’ then a True value is returned.
Removes a specified number of characters from an Alpha string, starting with the leftmost character.
Syntax:DelLeft (string, Len)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string. Len: The number of characters to be removed, starting from the leftmost character.
Returns: The Alpha string with a truncated string
Example: DelLeft(variable,3) If variable =’Magic’ then it displays the string as ‘ic’
Removes a specified number of characters from an Alpha string, starting with the rightmost character.
Syntax:DelRight (string, Len)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string. Len: The number of characters to be removed, starting from the rightmost character.
Returns: The Alpha string with a truncated string
Example: DelRight(variable,3) If variable =’Magic’ then it displays the string as ‘Ma’
Checks if a string ends with another string.
Syntax:EndsWith (string, search string)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string search string: The string to be searched
Returns: The Boolean value(True/False)
Example: EndsWith(‘Magic’,’ic’) If the string ends with ‘ic’ then it returns True, otherwise it returns False
Applies a selected format to a string value.
Syntax: Format (string, format string)
Checks if a value exists in a list of values.
Syntax: In (value1, value2, value3,…)
Returns: Boolean TRUE/FALSE value
Example: ~Rec_alp1~Var In (1,3) will return True when “Rec_alp1~Var has the value of 1 or 3.
Returns a number that represents the first position of a substring within an Alpha string.
IndexOf (string, search string)
Returns: the number 0,1,2,3…
Example: IndexOf (string,’M’) If the string =’Magic’ then it returns the position of M in the string. Here it returns 1, meaning the position of ‘M’ in the string.
Checks for the presence of a NULL value in a variable.
IsNull (value)
Returns: a Boolean value
Returns a specified number of characters from an Alpha string, starting with the leftmost character.
Syntax: Left (string, Len)
Parameters: String: An Alpha string Len: The number of characters to be returned, starting from the leftmost character.
Returns: The Alpha string
Example: Left (string, 3) If the string is ‘Magic’, then it returns ‘Mag’
Returns the defined length of an Alpha string.
Syntax: Length (string)
Parameters: string: A variable whose length is calculated
Returns: The defined length of an Alpha string.
Example: Length(Var ~String1~Var) If Var ~String1~Var contains ‘Magic’ then it returns 5.
Replaces an Alpha substring within a string with another substring.
Replace (string, search string, new string)
Replaces any occurrences of an Alpha substring within a string with another substring.
Syntax: ReplaceAll (string, search string, new string)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string search string: The string to search new string: The string that will replace the search string
Returns: The Alpha string.
Example: ReplaceAll (~Name~Var,'Magic','Software') Searches for the string ‘Magic’ and replaces it with ‘Software’.
Replaces a NULL value within a string with another substring.
Syntax: RepNull (string, new string)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string new string: The string to replace the original string with
Returns a specified number of characters from an Alpha string, starting with the rightmost character.
Syntax: Right (string, Len)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string Len: The number of characters to be returned, starting from the rightmost character.
Returns: The Alpha string
Example: Right(string, 3) If the string is ‘Magic’ then it returns ‘gic’.
Returns a token from a delimited string.
Syntax: Split (string, search string, position)
Parameters: string: A variable as defined in a table. search string: The search string that you want to look for in the string. position: The position order of the token within the delimited Alpha string.
Checks if a string begins with another string.
Syntax: StartsWith (string, search string)
Parameters: string: A variable as defined in a table. search string: The search string that you want to look for in the string.
Returns: Boolean TRUE/FALSE value
Example: StartsWith(string,’M’) If the string is ‘Magic’ it returns the TRUE value.
Returns a specified number of characters from an Alpha string.
Syntax: SubString (string, position, length)
Parameters: string: A variable as defined in a table. position: Determines from where to start copying characters to the new string. length: The number of characters that you want to retrieve.
Returns: A specified number of characters from an Alpha string.
Example: SubString(string, 3,3) This example will display the string starting from the 3rd character and display up to 3 characters. If the string is ‘Magic’ then it returns ‘gic’.
Translates Number to String.
Syntax: ToString (number)
Parameters: Number: numeric variable
Returns: the Alpha string
Example: ToString(1) returns the string ‘1’.
Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string.
Syntax: Trim (string)
Parameters: string: An Alpha string.
Returns the largest integer value that is equal to or less than the given number.
Syntax: Floor (number)
Returns: The largest integer value that is equal to or less than the given number.
Example: ~nm~Var > Floor(4) displays records >4
Returns the greatest number from a group of numbers.
Syntax: Greatest (number1, number2,…)
Parameters: Number1,Number2, … : Contains the variable to find the greatest among them.
Example: Greatest (5, 6) returns 6 or ~Rec_alp1~Var > ~Greatest~Var
Returns the lowest number from a group of numbers.
Syntax: Least (number1, number2,…)
Parameters: number1,number2 are variables of numeric type.
Returns: The lowest number from a group of numbers.
Example: Least (~n1~Var,~n3~Var) If n1=5 and n2=4 then it returns 4.
Returns the remainder of an integer division.
Syntax: Mod (number1, number2)
Parameters: number1,number2 are variables of numeric type.
Returns: The remainder of an integer division.
Example: Mod (~n1~Var,~n3~Var) If n1=5 and n2=4 then it returns 1.
Returns a rounded number.
Syntax: Round (number)
Parameters: number: The value to be rounded
Returns: The rounded number
Example: Round (~LongNumber~Var) If ~LongNumber~Var =10.56 then it returns 11. If ~LongNumber~Var =10.12 then it returns 10.
Returns a rounded number to the higher value.
Syntax: RoundUp (number)
Parameters: number accepts the number
Returns: The rounded number to the higher value.
Example: RoundUp (~LongNumber~Var) If ~LongNumber~Var =10.56 then it returns 11 If ~LongNumber~Var =10.12 then it returns 11
Translates String to Number.
ToNumber (string)
Syntax: ToNumber (string)
Parameters: string accepts the string
Returns: a number
Example: ToNumber (~alpha1~Var)
Checks if a specified file exists on a drive.
Syntax: FileExists (string)
Parameter string: An Alpha string that represents the file specification. The string may contain a path.
Returns: Boolean - True or False
Example: FileExists('c:\Temp\magic.ini') returns True if the Magic.ini file exists in the C:\Temp directory.
Switches between various values according to a controlling expression (similar to the Magic xpa Case function).
Syntax :Decode (controlling expression, case1, value1, case2, value2,..., default value)
Parameters: controlling expression: The expression by which to switch between the various values.
case1: Possible values of the controlling expression
value1: Returned value when the controlling expression equals case 1.
case2,value1.: same as above
Returns: The value that is returned when the controlling expression equals the case value. A default value is returned if the controlling expression does not equal a case value.
Example: Decode (~n3~Var,5,’Magic1’ ,6,’aaa’ ,’bbb’) If ~n3~Var=5 then it returns ‘Magic1’ If ~n3~Var=6 then it returns ‘aaa’ If ~n3~Var = something other than the above 2 values it returns ‘bbb’
Evaluates a Boolean expression and returns one value if True and another if False.
Syntax: If (controlling expression, value1, value 2)
controlling expressions: The expression by which to switch between the various values.
value1: Returns the TRUE value if controlling expressions is True, otherwise it returns FALSE.
Returns: Evaluates a Boolean expression and returns one value if True another if False.
Example: If (~n3~Var=5,True ,False) If ~n3~Var=5 then it returns TRUE Else it returns FALSE
Adds a specified number of days to the date.
Syntax: AddDays (date, number)
Parameters: date: A Date variable. number: The number of days to add to the date.
Returns: A Date value.
Example: AddDays(~Int_date2_1901~Var,1) returns 03/03/1993 if ~Int_date2_1901~Var=03/02/1993
Adds a specified number of hours to the time.
Syntax: AddHours (time, number)
time: The original time.
number: The number of hours to add to the time.
Returns: A Date value.
Example: AddMonth(~Int_date2_1901~Var,1) returns 04/02/1993 if ~Int_date2_1901~Var=03/02/1993
Adds a specified number of minutes to the time.
Syntax: AddMinutes (time, number)
Parameters: time: The original time. number: The number of minutes to add to the time.
Adds a specified number of months to the date.
Syntaxs: AddMonths (date, number)
Parameters: date: A date. number: The number of months to add to the date.
Returns: A Date value.
Example: AddMonth(~Int_date2_1901~Var,1) returns 04/02/1993 if ~Int_date2_1901~Var=03/02/1993
Adds a specified number of seconds to the time.
AddSeconds (time, number)
Parameters: time: The current time. number: The number of seconds to add to the time.
Adds a specified number of years to the date.
Syntax: AddYears (date, number)
Parameters: date: A date. number: The number of years to add to the date.
Returns: A Date value.
Example: AddMonth(~Int_date2_1901~Var,7) returns 04/02/2000 if ~Int_date2_1901~Var=03/02/1993
Returns the date of the start of the month specified in the parameter.
Syntax: BeginOfMonth (date)
Returns: The date value.
Example: BeginOfMonth (‘03/02/1993’) returns 03/01/2000
Returns the date of the quarter of the month specified in the parameter.
BeginOfQuarter (date)
A quarter is 3 months. The 1st quarter is 1-3 , the 2nd quarter is 4-6 , the 3rd quarter is 7-9, and the 4th quarter is 10-12.
Returns: The date value.
Example: BeginOfQuarter (‘10/30/2007’) returns ‘10/01/2007’
Returns the date of the start of the year specified in the parameter.
Syntax:BeginOfYear (date)
Returns: The date value.
Example: BeginOfYear (‘10/30/2007’) returns ‘01/01/2007’
Returns the current system date.
Syntax: DateNow ()
Returns: The current system date
Example: DateNow() returns ‘10/08/2207’
Returns the day portion of a date.
Syntax: Day (date)
Returns: The day portion of a date.
Example: Day (‘10/30/2007’) returns 30
Returns the name of the day of the week from a date.
Syntax: DayOfWeek (date)
Returns: The name of the day of the week from a date.
Example: DayOfWeek(‘12/30/2007’) returns ‘Sunday’
Returns the name in Hebrew of the day of the week from a date.
Syntax: DayOfWeekHebrew (date)
Returns: The name in Hebrew of the day of the week from a date.
Example: DayOfWeekHebrew(‘12/30/2007’) returns ‘Sunday’ in Hebrew
Returns the number of days between two dates.
Syntax: DaysBetween (date1, date2)
Returns: the number of days between two dates.
Example: DaysBetween (‘10/30/2007’,’12/30/2007’) returns 61
Returns the number of days in a month.
Syntax: DaysInMonth (date)
Returns: The number of days in a month.
Example: DaysInMonth (10/30/2007) returns 31
Returns the date of the end of the month specified in the parameter.
Syntax: EndOfMonth (date)
Returns: Returns the date of the end of the month.
Example: EndOfMonth(‘10/30/2007’) returns 10/31/2007
Returns the date of the end of the quarter specified in the parameter.
Syntax: EndOfQuarter (date)
A quarter is 3 months. The 1st quarter is 1-3 , the 2nd quarter is 4-6 , the 3rd quarter is 7-9, and the 4th quarter is 10-12.
Returns :Date value. Returns End date of the quarter of the month
Example: EndOfQuarter (‘10/30/2007’) returns ‘12/31/2007’
Returns the date of the end of the year specified in the parameter.
Syntax:EndOfYear (date)
Returns: The date of the end of the year.
Example: EndOfYear(‘10/30/2007’) returns 12/31/2007
Sets the time to zero on a given date time value.
Syntax: FloorDay (datetime)
The Report Generator always gets the date as a date+time. This function sets the time portion to 00:00:00 and leaves the date section as is.
Applies a selected format to a date value.
Syntax: FormatDate (date, current format, new format)
Example: FormatDate ('01/11/2007','DD/MM/YYYY','MMM’) returns ‘Nov’ (as for November)
Returns the hour portion of a time.
Syntax: Hour (time)
Returns: The hour portion of a time.
Example: Hour (’13:12:12’) returns 13
Returns the minutes portion of a time.
Minute (time)
Returns: The minutes portion of a time.
Example: Minute (’13:12:10’) returns 12
Returns the month portion of a date.
Syntax: Month (date)
Returns: The month portion of a date.
Example: Month (‘10/30/2007’) returns 10
Returns the number of months between two dates.
Syntax: MonthsBetween (date1, date2)
Returns: The number of months between two dates.
Example: MonthsBetween (‘10/30/2007’,’12/30/2007’) returns 2
Returns the seconds portion of a time.
Syntax: Seconds (time)
Returns: The seconds portion of a time.
Example: Seconds (’13:12:10’) returns 10
Returns the current system time.
Syntax: TimeNow ()
Returns: The current system time.
Example : TimeNow() returns 15:14:57.8934848
Translates String to Date.
Syntax: ToDate (string)
Parameters: string: string of date
Returns: A date.
Example: ToDate(‘10/30/2007’) returns 10/30/2007
Returns the year portion of a date.
Syntax: Year (date)
Returns: The year portion of a date.
Example: Year(‘10/30/2007’) returns 2007